It doesn't matter how much NV10 makes you squirm and moan, it doesn't matter how spiffy you think it will be, and it doesn't MATTER what T&L will do for Quake2 since NO CARD SUPPORTING T&L (in a useful manner) WILL BE OUT BEFORE THE YEAR 2000!
How do I know, you ask? I just do. In fact, I will make the following wager:
If ANY manufacturer makes it to market with a NEW chipset that supports T&L and/or a lot of other NEW features, I will eat my G400. Honestly. I'll even post GIFs.
That's right. If I'm wrong, I'll destroy my beloved G400 and run out and buy a new NV5000 or 3dfx Naptha or whatever the hell it is.
HOWEVER, in order for this to happen the NEW card must fulfill the following conditions:
0. It must support substantially new features. Like full T&L. Or something spiffy we haven't thought of. For it to count, we must either see major graphics improvements or major speed improvements with no loss of quality (over a G400) or both.
1. Available in quantity. This means I have to be able to wander down to my local CompUSA or Micro Center or Best Buy (I live in Boston, this shouldn't be hard) and purchase one, off the shelf, in a nice retail box.
2. Working drivers. This means a substantial number of my games have to run without crashing or major graphical anomalies. In addition, this means NO 2D glitches of any kind... otherwise the drivers are considered a failure.
3. High image quality. On my viewsonic 21" monitor I should not have to squint to see the text. This is currently ONLY the case with cards from Matrox and ATI. If nVidia, S3, or 3dfx can produce such a card, I will gladly buy it.
4. The card must cost $300 or less. This automatically disqualifies already-in-existence cards from 3D Labs.
5. It must be faster than the current crop of cards in every way, in all tests, with the new features turned on.
Ok, that's it. I don't think it can happen. And if YOU think it can happen but "not with those conditions", then you don't REALLY think it can happen either.
- Gurm
How do I know, you ask? I just do. In fact, I will make the following wager:
If ANY manufacturer makes it to market with a NEW chipset that supports T&L and/or a lot of other NEW features, I will eat my G400. Honestly. I'll even post GIFs.
That's right. If I'm wrong, I'll destroy my beloved G400 and run out and buy a new NV5000 or 3dfx Naptha or whatever the hell it is.
HOWEVER, in order for this to happen the NEW card must fulfill the following conditions:
0. It must support substantially new features. Like full T&L. Or something spiffy we haven't thought of. For it to count, we must either see major graphics improvements or major speed improvements with no loss of quality (over a G400) or both.
1. Available in quantity. This means I have to be able to wander down to my local CompUSA or Micro Center or Best Buy (I live in Boston, this shouldn't be hard) and purchase one, off the shelf, in a nice retail box.
2. Working drivers. This means a substantial number of my games have to run without crashing or major graphical anomalies. In addition, this means NO 2D glitches of any kind... otherwise the drivers are considered a failure.
3. High image quality. On my viewsonic 21" monitor I should not have to squint to see the text. This is currently ONLY the case with cards from Matrox and ATI. If nVidia, S3, or 3dfx can produce such a card, I will gladly buy it.
4. The card must cost $300 or less. This automatically disqualifies already-in-existence cards from 3D Labs.
5. It must be faster than the current crop of cards in every way, in all tests, with the new features turned on.
Ok, that's it. I don't think it can happen. And if YOU think it can happen but "not with those conditions", then you don't REALLY think it can happen either.
- Gurm