Scytale - I don't have any expesive diagnostic equipment. I don't have Matrox's HAL tools. I am not a programmer or engineer. How do you expect I am going to determine exactly where the problem is? I relayed the info I have on the problem I experienced. It's now up to the author of the program to take it from here. If you want to dig deeper to find the exact answer, go for it.
Kookstick - Seems GBM has had some trouble with his server. Hopefully he will have his files re-posted ASAP.
DMan - On you drivers disk is all you need. In the Sysutil folder there is a util called MAKEDISK.EXE. Run it.
Kookstick - Seems GBM has had some trouble with his server. Hopefully he will have his files re-posted ASAP.
DMan - On you drivers disk is all you need. In the Sysutil folder there is a util called MAKEDISK.EXE. Run it.