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Glaze 3D rocks the balls off (2400 MTexels/s) !

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  • #16

    you´re full of shit. When did you yourself last contribute something meaningful with regard to Matrox hardware? I see a lot of you here but can´t remember any such.

    Turn off your computer and start knitting sweaters for your grandchildren, that´ll keep you calm


    [This message has been edited by rubank (edited 08-06-99).]


    • #17
      rubank, for all I know, all my 'helpful' posts got whited must have noticed that some of them were. Although you might check today and yesterday...since you're so concerned.

      But if I'm supposed to justify myself to you, then why doesn't Meitsi have to justify him/herself to me? Even if I'm not as 'meaningful' a contributor as you (whoever the hell you might be) feel I "ought" to be, I'm not blatantly disregarding the structure and function of this forum.

      May I inquire why you feel the need to defend this behavior on the part of Meitsi and others?


      "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
      -Jay Bulworth


      • #18
        this will probibly cost me but here goses.

        motub , god i love a women with a temper and a will of her own. you woun't be irish would you ? go get'em

        about time i change this, i spend about 4 hours a day reading the posts on this site and get paid to do it ,now isin't that a great job? oh you want pain how about this halflife works on the nt machine at work but as soon as you patch it to the latest version it dies a horible winblows nt4 death of dll errors.


        • #19
          thanks, merchant2...I do have one Irish forbear but it's not the major portion of my ancestry...

          Dare I wonder at this strange silence from Rubank? Oh, I see he's turned to posting "a Matrox hardware related topic".

          Good, think I'll take a nap. G'night (or morning, or early afternoon) all...


          "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
          -Jay Bulworth


          • #20

            when in a glass house you shouldn´t throw stones.

            I checked your 30 latest "contributions", I recommend you do the same if you´re having memory troubles.

            "But if I'm supposed to justify myself to you, then why doesn't Meitsi have to justify him/herself to me? "

            After your two first posts in this thread I´m amazed you put this question.


