I am having problems with my DVD output (primary monitor). The image shows a periodic jitter (not frame skipping) like a jump of 1/4" to the right and then instantly back to the original position. This only occurs with moving objects on the screen. It occurs with almost all movies. Some more than others.
My system: ABIT BX6-2, PII 450, Adaptec 2940 w/uw SCSI controller, IBM & WD hard drives, Pioneer 103S (EIDE) DVD player, Diamond MX300 audio, Diamond V2 SLI, G400 MAX video with PD 5.13.020 and display driver, Bios 1.3-20 (now 1.5-20), Nokia 445xpro monitor.
I initially had a IRQ conflict between the MAX and the SCSI controller. Fixed that - no effect. Disconnected V2 SLI - No effect.
My ABIT computer has no flickering of the video image with a Millenium G200 with DVD daughter card installed in it in place of the MAX.
I attached a TV to the second head of the MAX using DVD MAX Dual Head. With the TV attached, there was no observable flickering in either the TV picture (640x480 NTSC) or the Nokia monitor image (1024x768, 32bbp). The DVD output looked as it should with a very stable image.
I unhooked the TV from the cable (leaving the DVD MAX enabled) and the image from the movie "Terminator" remained clean and flicker-free. Note, this was with the TV adapter cable attached to the 2nd video port of the MAX.
Once I unhooked the TV adapter cable from the 2nd head, the flicker returned as before. It didn't matter if the DVD MAX was enabled or not. If the cable was connected and the DVD MAX was enabled, the picture from the movie was flicker-free.
I used the opening sequence from "Terminator" as the test video since it has really large blue letters moving on a black background which show up the flickering easily. Also, the flickering is only visible when there is movement on the screen. Still images never flicker.
No other combination eliminated the flicker. The DVD MAX must be enabled and the TV adapter must be attached.
Other combinations I tried:
Instead of the TV adapter cable, I tried a standard D-SUB (VGA) cable. No effect with or without DVD MAX enabled. The flicker was present. I did not try this with a monitor attached to the second video cable.
I tried using, for my main monitor connection, a D-SUB cable instead of my normal BNC connectors. The flicker remained.
I installed the MAX and the MAX DVD software in my Dell XPS-R450 (450 PII, Soundblaster Live sound card, Maxtor Diamondmax Pro 10.2 GB EIDE HD, Nokia 447 monitor). In common with my main computer, it has a Pioneer 103S DVD player. The MAX showed the same instability as it did in the ABIT BX6-2 computer. The movement was less noticable, but still quite evident. When I reinstalled the Millenium G200 (+DVD card), the G200 was perfectly stable in the Dell computer using the Zoran software which came with the G200. I did not try using the G400 DVD software with the G200.
Also, I updated the Bios on the MAX and checked my free resources (92%).
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. The image flicker is quite anoying.
Thanks in advance,
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]
My system: ABIT BX6-2, PII 450, Adaptec 2940 w/uw SCSI controller, IBM & WD hard drives, Pioneer 103S (EIDE) DVD player, Diamond MX300 audio, Diamond V2 SLI, G400 MAX video with PD 5.13.020 and display driver, Bios 1.3-20 (now 1.5-20), Nokia 445xpro monitor.
I initially had a IRQ conflict between the MAX and the SCSI controller. Fixed that - no effect. Disconnected V2 SLI - No effect.
My ABIT computer has no flickering of the video image with a Millenium G200 with DVD daughter card installed in it in place of the MAX.
I attached a TV to the second head of the MAX using DVD MAX Dual Head. With the TV attached, there was no observable flickering in either the TV picture (640x480 NTSC) or the Nokia monitor image (1024x768, 32bbp). The DVD output looked as it should with a very stable image.
I unhooked the TV from the cable (leaving the DVD MAX enabled) and the image from the movie "Terminator" remained clean and flicker-free. Note, this was with the TV adapter cable attached to the 2nd video port of the MAX.
Once I unhooked the TV adapter cable from the 2nd head, the flicker returned as before. It didn't matter if the DVD MAX was enabled or not. If the cable was connected and the DVD MAX was enabled, the picture from the movie was flicker-free.
I used the opening sequence from "Terminator" as the test video since it has really large blue letters moving on a black background which show up the flickering easily. Also, the flickering is only visible when there is movement on the screen. Still images never flicker.
No other combination eliminated the flicker. The DVD MAX must be enabled and the TV adapter must be attached.
Other combinations I tried:
Instead of the TV adapter cable, I tried a standard D-SUB (VGA) cable. No effect with or without DVD MAX enabled. The flicker was present. I did not try this with a monitor attached to the second video cable.
I tried using, for my main monitor connection, a D-SUB cable instead of my normal BNC connectors. The flicker remained.
I installed the MAX and the MAX DVD software in my Dell XPS-R450 (450 PII, Soundblaster Live sound card, Maxtor Diamondmax Pro 10.2 GB EIDE HD, Nokia 447 monitor). In common with my main computer, it has a Pioneer 103S DVD player. The MAX showed the same instability as it did in the ABIT BX6-2 computer. The movement was less noticable, but still quite evident. When I reinstalled the Millenium G200 (+DVD card), the G200 was perfectly stable in the Dell computer using the Zoran software which came with the G200. I did not try using the G400 DVD software with the G200.
Also, I updated the Bios on the MAX and checked my free resources (92%).
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. The image flicker is quite anoying.
Thanks in advance,
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]
[This message has been edited by rogersb (edited 08-05-99).]