I posted this same post in the tombman thread, but I think it's better off on it's own... -J-
So the question is: When is flaming flaming, and what is called flame-bait??
I think that in some threads/posts people write things they think they are certain off is true, whilst it can be partionally true or complete B.S.
Okay, I've done that some times as well, but when someone else points out to me, that it might be wrong, or is complete B.S., I check my sources and if I think it's of value, I'll post a link to where I found it.
If I think the other is right, I (humbly) say he might be right, or is right, and leave it at that...
But when someone (no names) is going over the same subject over and over again - and people tell him/her s/he's wrong, but this person is so stubborn that even if the truth was written in gold lettering (18 kts) on his desk, that s/he'd still be calling it B.S. for s/he's right and the rest is plain wrong - then it might be time for a breakdown amongst us.
I know I deliberately attacked DJRoberts in the Matrox Gaming section. Yes, I attacked him, because he just wouldn't listen to reason.
I know I should be bannished to MURC's Shark Island of RANTs to be rehabillitated. But then again, if I go there, I think it's going to be the same group of people who help me on that island, Matt, Pauly, Steve (though he says he didn't do anything), Kruzin, Joel, Hunsow, M&M and notM&M and Motub...
I know I forgot some of you guys'n'girls, so be it...
Flame-bait is as said, anything you start on the Matrox Hardware Forum (For all Matrox <u>videocards</u> and
their problems) concerning your Voodoo, UTNT or whatever non-Matrox card, then you're asking for problems/trouble... If we ask you to go to General Hardware with that question (all problems with hardware outside the Matrox realm) and you deny that flatly and start calling us anything, ranging from children to Matrox-rednecks, then you might know what's coming next...
But don't go running to Ant or Phil then saying we're flaming you ...
I still think Holly's idea of a small police-force patrolling the fori (tm) isn't such a bad idea. Knowing we can't do that much, we could lift some of the stress and burden off of Ant and Phil their shoulders, by pointing out to people who mistakenly post a non Matrox videocard/RRG related topic on the MHW forum (for example), that they are better off asking that same question on the General Hardware/Gaming/Powerdesk etc. fori ... Maybe Ant/Phil can move the complete question to the appropriate forum...
Am I wrong in this??
Tell me your opinions...
Jorden, done with his monologue
Holly is all I Love&Need !!
So the question is: When is flaming flaming, and what is called flame-bait??
I think that in some threads/posts people write things they think they are certain off is true, whilst it can be partionally true or complete B.S.
Okay, I've done that some times as well, but when someone else points out to me, that it might be wrong, or is complete B.S., I check my sources and if I think it's of value, I'll post a link to where I found it.
If I think the other is right, I (humbly) say he might be right, or is right, and leave it at that...
But when someone (no names) is going over the same subject over and over again - and people tell him/her s/he's wrong, but this person is so stubborn that even if the truth was written in gold lettering (18 kts) on his desk, that s/he'd still be calling it B.S. for s/he's right and the rest is plain wrong - then it might be time for a breakdown amongst us.
I know I deliberately attacked DJRoberts in the Matrox Gaming section. Yes, I attacked him, because he just wouldn't listen to reason.
I know I should be bannished to MURC's Shark Island of RANTs to be rehabillitated. But then again, if I go there, I think it's going to be the same group of people who help me on that island, Matt, Pauly, Steve (though he says he didn't do anything), Kruzin, Joel, Hunsow, M&M and notM&M and Motub...

I know I forgot some of you guys'n'girls, so be it...
Flame-bait is as said, anything you start on the Matrox Hardware Forum (For all Matrox <u>videocards</u> and
their problems) concerning your Voodoo, UTNT or whatever non-Matrox card, then you're asking for problems/trouble... If we ask you to go to General Hardware with that question (all problems with hardware outside the Matrox realm) and you deny that flatly and start calling us anything, ranging from children to Matrox-rednecks, then you might know what's coming next...

But don't go running to Ant or Phil then saying we're flaming you ...
I still think Holly's idea of a small police-force patrolling the fori (tm) isn't such a bad idea. Knowing we can't do that much, we could lift some of the stress and burden off of Ant and Phil their shoulders, by pointing out to people who mistakenly post a non Matrox videocard/RRG related topic on the MHW forum (for example), that they are better off asking that same question on the General Hardware/Gaming/Powerdesk etc. fori ... Maybe Ant/Phil can move the complete question to the appropriate forum...
Am I wrong in this??
Tell me your opinions...
Jorden, done with his monologue

Holly is all I Love&Need !!