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MGATweak and G400Max

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  • MGATweak and G400Max

    Hi guys. Is anyone here using MGATweak with the G400Max? I received a copy in the e-mail yesterday, and am wondering what the different settings are actually for, as well as any settings that you'd recommend trying, as I attempt to o/c this card.

    Brief history about me and Matrox/computers-
    I'm not new to Matrox products, or to overclocking. However, I sold my last Matrox product before I started my overclocking career. That was a Mil 1 OEM (2MB), and was great, at least until I got into 3D accelerated games. I ended up replacing the Mil 1 with a succession of 2D/3D combo cards, all paired up with a single V2. In addition to the Mil, I've had an i740 based card, and two TNT based cards (one PCI and later an AGP version).

    Along about the time that I got the first TNT, I bought an Abit BH6/64MB PC100 ram/Celeron 300a, for the obvious reason. I've been into overclocking ever since. There is simply no better way to increase the bang-for-the-buck factor with the rate of change in the PC arena today.

    I'm now using a PIII-450 (o/c to 558) with 256 MB PC100 ram, with a SBLive!Value, Adaptec 2940UW (connected to a Yamaha 4416S CDRW[internally]/SyQuest SyJet 1.5GB[externally]), WD 6.4GB UDMA hd, and of course, my new favorite video card, the G400Max, still paired up with a single V2-12MB (legacy Glide titles, mainly).

    Well anyway, enough about me and my computer addic.. er.. hobby. Any replies with assistance and information on o/c'ing the latest Matrox products are greatly appreciated.

    BTW- If you ever run into 'Ace' in Q3Test1.08, it's probably me. Since that UserName is taken already in here, you can call me Bogey.

  • #2
    Bogey ...tombman is demanding that i ask you if you could benchmark your system with 3dmark99max and 1600*1200*32bit , 32 bit z-buffer (also activated in powerdesk options !), triple buffer with vsync=off (you can turn off vsync with the registry hacks found on this site) !
    If 16*12 is too high for your monitor you can use 1280*1024 too..

    You have a PIII>500 Mhz AND a g400max so your system is ideal for comparison !
    You could really help him out !

    Please give me your e-mail address or icq-number so that tombman can communicate with you directly !

    thanks in advance , brother of murc ;-)


    • #3
      Sorry for the delay Deprived, but so far I've only had time to check in on the forum from work, I've been hard at work playing Q3 at home for the past few nights.

      As far as getting my ICQ, I'm going to put it into my Profile tonight. Get TombMan's info (ICQ / E-mail) and leave me another reply to this post, or e-mail me at home (mailto://, and I'll get with him this evening.

      Also, I need to know where to get a copy of the 3dmark99max (is this shareware/[evaluation-heh] or freeware?]). My monitor (a Gateway Vivitron 17) indeed only supports up to 1280x1024, so that'll have to do (at least for the time being).

      On that note- my card is overclocked to 166/~214 (using the PowerStrip GX Optimization tool), so I'll get results for both o/c and non-o/c on the card, as this interests me greatly too.

      I've found that I can run 1024x768 with EVERYTHING turned on (trilinear and 32bit textures) with the card overclocked, where without it overclocked, I need to disable those two options- minor performance difference, but noticable in-game).

      Maybe you and/or TombMan might even be interested in getting into some Q3 matches. I like Team DM the best, but DM is still cool. Does either of you know how to activate the QuakeMarine skin mod? I only see options for red/blue skins, but I've seen many others online using the marine skin.

      Talk to you and/or TombMan tonight.

      home e-mail:
      (Cable-modems RULE)


      • #4
        Bogey , i e-mailed you back and sent a request via icq but you did not answer !!
        I hope you will at least read this msg .
        ICQ : 17840023 !!!!!


        • #5
          I'd like to try out MGATweak. I've already e-mailed the person who is developing it, but I got no response...

          -= =-
          Nafets was here...

