don't know whats going on but I turned my computer on this morning and found verticle yellow lines all over the screen, also pcilist shows it changed to agp 1X, has always been 2X, all oc'ing is disabled,any thoughts?
thanks jim
UPDATE: my button icons have pink/purple verticle lines through them and text isblue lined !?!
P2-350 o/c 450, BH-6 mobo,128mb pc-100,Mill. G-200 8mb o/c to 215 with g200clk, win98,dx6.1,PD5.13, bios 2.3
THREE BIG FANS (and three little ones)
[This message has been edited by DuRaNgO (edited 08-15-1999).]
thanks jim
UPDATE: my button icons have pink/purple verticle lines through them and text isblue lined !?!
P2-350 o/c 450, BH-6 mobo,128mb pc-100,Mill. G-200 8mb o/c to 215 with g200clk, win98,dx6.1,PD5.13, bios 2.3
THREE BIG FANS (and three little ones)
[This message has been edited by DuRaNgO (edited 08-15-1999).]