Ok, I know that we are all tired with the lies that matrox keeps telling. First the whole g200 opengl fiasco, and now the whole g400max fiasco. What I suggest we do is get someone here to write a nice letter demanding answers and not more BS lies and tell Matrox that if they don't start anwering some questions honestly, we start a class action lawsuit. Before you go roasting me, there is no way they are going to take their customers serious until they are threatened, and they know this.
No announcement yet.
Open Apology
The original time-line for the 3500 was supposed to be March, then 3dfx announced they would be making differing versions of the card, a lower speed, a decently high speed, and a go-for-broke speed. Then they said the 3500 would be here by the end of May, then they moved it to August, well they finally made it.
When did this turn into a Voodoo3 forum? I think skycriesmary just want an explanation of where his pre purchased product is and some sort of schedule of delivery. No really all that much to ask of a company which already I assume has his money.
Already happy with a plain G400!
Celeron 366->550, 128 MB RAM, 10.1 IBM Deskstar, MX300, G400 vanilla, HP 8100i CD-RW
I'm guessing this is the first time skycriesmary has ever pre-ordered a brand new, never on the market before product.
When has "the latest" thing ever made it on time? And in this case, it's not like they are not releasing the product for months (ala V3500). They are just experiencing delays due to a high volume of orders. Many people have already gotten their MAX, and more get them every day.
So, I'm not tired of the "lies". What I am tired of impatient whiners who wander in here, and start hollering "Lawsuit!" when there card is a whole week or two past the 5-6 week estimate. If you can't wait, cancel the order and buy something else (be it a vanilla G400, or another brand). There are regular G400s out there. There are lots of other brands out there. It's a stinkin video card, certainly not worth the aggrivation you are attributing to it.
Get a grip. Even if you found enough lamers to say they want in on some sort of lawsuit, and you found some lawyer stupid enough to take the case, by the time it ever saw a courtroom, the G50000MAX would be out. Wait, or don't wait. Crying about it won't make it happen any faster.
Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s
Also, not only will crying do nothing to help the situation, but crying to us? We're all just everyday people using Matrox hardware and helping each other out. True, there are Matrox employees here, but they are Technical Support. I work partly in a tech supp environment, and I know a bit what it must be like for them. So if you're trying to get through to Matrox, Why are you moaning about release dates to the technical support dept? How can they affect the release dates of hardware? Write letters to the sales dept or the big cheeses of the company, or phone them, but only talk to people who give a damn, or have the power to help you. To be honest, technical support don't want the product to ship cos they know it'll cause more problems for them to fix!
You catch my drift?
My PC? Not that bad, got all sorts of crap in it, and all sorts of crap around it and my desk is also messy. Now what does that say about me? ;¬)
Steve, I used to do tech support for a company with about 2500 employees so I have empathy for anyone that does support. Thats why I moved from support to testing/developing. And no I haven't been contacting matrox tech support to ask about delivery dates ,etc. ?!?! Why would I call tech support for a sales question? I have been dealing with sales representatives the whole time. And yes I have pre-ordered products in the past before. And the longest I have had to wait past a release date is about 2 weeks. But as soon as that date approached I recieved an email explaining that it would be late.
Well this forum is basically a technical support area for Matrox, is it not? The only people fom Matrox that come here are techies, and most other people here are techy people. So what can we do to help you?
My PC? Not that bad, got all sorts of crap in it, and all sorts of crap around it and my desk is also messy. Now what does that say about me? ;¬)
I'm somewhat new to all this. Last year I upgraded my video card for the first time. I did my research and because of the visual quality I chose the "soon to be released" Mystique G200. I chose not to pre-order but to wait for it to show up in one of the many computer stores here in San Diego, Ca. I ended up wait a little over two months after the release date before I could get my hands on one, and that was checking "daily".
NOT THIS TIME!! Even though I was reluctant to order "on-line", I was there placing my order the very hour that they started taking orders. I recieved my MAX on time just like they said. It may be a gamble, but it's one you gotta take if you want something bad enough. Looks like you lost!
BTW, I have noticed that alot of the Beta guys don't contribute much anymore. Must be either on vacation or "enjoying there G400's like I am"!!!
We're still here.
We all still post regularly.
Maggi has just been on vacation for the last couple weeks (supposed to be back next week), so I can understand why it seems more quiet than usualCore2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s
Common skycriesmary,
Get a grip. What is that childish "I will sue for any reasons just for the heck of it". They do not owe you anything. Late delivery are something that all compagny have to deal with. What did you prefer that they ship it right away with untested drivers, buggy hardware etc.??? Then you would have wined for another reason... gee. You have your ICD for the G200 now, so play with it and stop starting flame treads against Matrox in a forum where people are comming to get help and tips on the cards. If you want to sue them, then do so and leave us alone... Can't you see that no one is supporting these posts anymore? People are angry, they want there toy now... then don't pre order.
just my 2 cents...
I think you have the right to bragg matrox for the late delivery, it is our customers' right to do so, and it is some unresponsible supplier is to be blame. Dont let people put you down here, whenever you say something negative on matrox, no matter right or wrong, you got toasted. It is a religion and profit sharing community here, and becoming less intentiaonal and open minded over the time, IMHO. I am off, before I become psychopathic.
I'd just like to repeat a point I made a while ago. There is currently a 6-8 week wait for new VW Jettas. They're not usually delivered even within that time frame.
No one is suing VW over this.
And that's all I have to say 'bout that.Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox
Let me try to say this (again) in small words for you, tylau, and you, skycriesmary:
[list=1][*]skycriesmary, when you post on this forum, if your words reach anyone at Matrox (which is not assured, but is definitely possible), those Matrox employees are in Tech Support, not Customer Service. That is what SteveC meant in his earlier post.
[*]THIS IS NOT A MATROX-SPONSORED FORUM! A lot of users come here, so Matrox is aware of us and may lurk about, but this is a user-to-user group, unaffiliated with Matrox in any way. So if you want to talk or complain to Matrox, call them. Call them again. Demand to speak to the CEO, if you want. But don't expect any ridiculous threats to reach Matrox from <u>here</u>, of all places!
[*]Yes, it is upsetting that Matrox did not hit their release date, or their yield or whatever the issue is. Yes, I agree that a statement to the effect that there is/was a delay of thus and so length would be nice. But we can already see the delay is ending. People are getting their cards. The cards are appearing on the shelves. So get a grip, already. It's coming. "It's only a graphics card", after all...what's going to happen if you have to wait a couple of weeks, even a month or two? If it was that urgent, you should have bought something that had shipped already.
[*]The old hands of the boards complain about Matrox sometimes too. But what (I think) we object to is people who a) don't seem to understand the function of these boards, which is user-to-user tech support; b) complain like we can do a d*mn thing about it; c) whine to us because of their own error in judgement or research.[/list=a]
We are here for a pretty specific reason. It seems obvious, but every week we go through this with someone who just doesn't get it.
If you had your card, but it wasn't working right, we'd try to help.
If your card hasn't shipped and you don't know how to find out what you need to know to decide what to do, we'd come up with a few suggestions. Many of them might even be polite.
Heck, if you even came in saying "I'm looking for users who might want to participate in my (ridiculous little) class-action lawsuit", we might listen to you for a minute before we laughed you out of town.
But we simply do not tolerate whiny, rude trolls looking for a place to lay the "blame"...because we know that the "blame" usually lies with the troll him/herself. It's not like we haven't seen it before.
the once and future motub
[This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-13-1999).]
Tylau, I thought we scared you away effectively last time. Go play somewhere else, you little sycophantic maleducated twit.
And as for the original poster here... please enlighten me as to which preorderable, highly demanded video card has been available on time in the past year. Please. Not the Diamond V770. Not the Hercules TNT2 Ultra (_STILL_ not out). Not the V3500, which I still can't find on store shelves, even though it "shipped" close to two weeks ago.
And 3dfx goes a step further than Matrox. Instead of shutting up they say the card is out and in stores. Go figure.
So please, take your idiotic scheme elsewhere. We don't want it.
- Slarty
It wasn't always like this... I had a real life once. A signature, too. I used to be a guy named Gurm. But that's all gone now. Now, my name is Ash... and I am a slave.
Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...