Hi guys,
New to this board, so firstly apologies if any of the below problems are much asked questions. I DID make the effort and search, found some posts that answered / fixed a few probs, and found a couple of similar problems, but no fixes.
Quake2 : Very dark. I found a post on this not so long ago (but for a G200), added the suggested lines in the cfg file, but no luck for me. The Mortyr Demo is also far too dark. To the point where you can't see anything! Any other suggestions?
Unreal : Very poor performance. I enabled Direct3D in the advanced options, and in the timedemo was getting as low as 14fps @ 1024x768, with (obviously) VERY noticable skipping. Not sure of the colour depth. Considering the way it ran on the old V2 (albeit in a different API) I am a little shocked by this performance drop?
Tribes : Very poor performance, and some major graphical glitches. I did see a post on this and know I'm not the only one having this prob. Can anyone shed any light if it's going to get any better via patches / drivers?
Desktop / General : This is a wierd one that I think I may have already fixed. But after installing the card, my desktop seems to have a mind of its own. It's quite bizarre and I'd laugh my head off if it wasn't so darn frustrating. Basically, when I'm trying to type, such as posting this message, hitting m will minimize, hitting r will bring up the run dialogue box, hitting e will load explorer, hitting f will bring up find files. You get the idea. It's almost like a key was stuck. Also, while sitting at the desktop, my select icon would flick at inconsistent intervals between the my computer icon, and bringing up the start menu. As if my machine was possessed. Like I said, I think I've fixed it as I have a mix of CAS2 and CAS3 RAM. I tried running @ CAS2. I've turned it back to 3 again now because of the above. Opinions please, you think that was the problem?
I am using the latest everything for this card (BIOS, drivers) and perform the correct uninstall procedures for my G100, and Voodoo2. Running Win98 on a Cel300a@464, BH6 with KG BIOS, 192MB RAM blah blah. Oh, and an Acerview 76c 17" monitor, with the correct .inf installed.
Anyway, I'm off to watch the G400 tech demo AGAIN
. I'm happy with the card, a bit buggy at present (to be expected) but this thing shows more potential than any other card on the market, IMHO.
Thanks for any help. It is much appreciated.
P.S. Hi Maggi / Manoj, it's Clint from 3DFiles BB
[This message has been edited by CBW (edited 08-17-1999).]
New to this board, so firstly apologies if any of the below problems are much asked questions. I DID make the effort and search, found some posts that answered / fixed a few probs, and found a couple of similar problems, but no fixes.
Quake2 : Very dark. I found a post on this not so long ago (but for a G200), added the suggested lines in the cfg file, but no luck for me. The Mortyr Demo is also far too dark. To the point where you can't see anything! Any other suggestions?
Unreal : Very poor performance. I enabled Direct3D in the advanced options, and in the timedemo was getting as low as 14fps @ 1024x768, with (obviously) VERY noticable skipping. Not sure of the colour depth. Considering the way it ran on the old V2 (albeit in a different API) I am a little shocked by this performance drop?
Tribes : Very poor performance, and some major graphical glitches. I did see a post on this and know I'm not the only one having this prob. Can anyone shed any light if it's going to get any better via patches / drivers?
Desktop / General : This is a wierd one that I think I may have already fixed. But after installing the card, my desktop seems to have a mind of its own. It's quite bizarre and I'd laugh my head off if it wasn't so darn frustrating. Basically, when I'm trying to type, such as posting this message, hitting m will minimize, hitting r will bring up the run dialogue box, hitting e will load explorer, hitting f will bring up find files. You get the idea. It's almost like a key was stuck. Also, while sitting at the desktop, my select icon would flick at inconsistent intervals between the my computer icon, and bringing up the start menu. As if my machine was possessed. Like I said, I think I've fixed it as I have a mix of CAS2 and CAS3 RAM. I tried running @ CAS2. I've turned it back to 3 again now because of the above. Opinions please, you think that was the problem?
I am using the latest everything for this card (BIOS, drivers) and perform the correct uninstall procedures for my G100, and Voodoo2. Running Win98 on a Cel300a@464, BH6 with KG BIOS, 192MB RAM blah blah. Oh, and an Acerview 76c 17" monitor, with the correct .inf installed.
Anyway, I'm off to watch the G400 tech demo AGAIN

Thanks for any help. It is much appreciated.
P.S. Hi Maggi / Manoj, it's Clint from 3DFiles BB

[This message has been edited by CBW (edited 08-17-1999).]