Some posts I read earlier stated that only Multi-Disply mode works under NT and both monitors need to be set at same resolution and refresh rate, both display will be limited to 1280X1024 max. Does anyone know if the upcoming driver is going to fix the NT dual-head limitations? Does Matrox even plan to do a fully functional NT driver for the g400?
I have a graphic workstation running on dual PII 333. Win98 can not take advantage of the second cpu, so NT is my only choice. Multi-Display mode only does not bother me since I have no DVD drive and don't plan to connect to a TV anyway. I am doing 1600X1200 right now on a 21inch monitor. With the G400 Dual-Head, I will actually be lowering the resolution. How's that for UPgrading? The Max I ordered is going to be delivered this week. The NT DH limitation really has dampened the excitment.
If matrox really want to get into the workstation video market they need to come out with a fully optimized NT driver. But, then maybe they are not trying to.
I have a graphic workstation running on dual PII 333. Win98 can not take advantage of the second cpu, so NT is my only choice. Multi-Display mode only does not bother me since I have no DVD drive and don't plan to connect to a TV anyway. I am doing 1600X1200 right now on a 21inch monitor. With the G400 Dual-Head, I will actually be lowering the resolution. How's that for UPgrading? The Max I ordered is going to be delivered this week. The NT DH limitation really has dampened the excitment.

If matrox really want to get into the workstation video market they need to come out with a fully optimized NT driver. But, then maybe they are not trying to.
