I suspect this combination not to work.
From time to time when starting up, just before the desktop is shown, I get an exception 0E and the system hangs, requiring a cold boot. After a restart, scandisk is always run. Then sometimes it happens again.
So sometimes I have to restart win98 three times before I can work with it (running two times scandisk).
Also since running the Seti software in combination with pd 5.13 none of my Organic Art Plus! screensavers are working.
This exception 0E problem got worse since I upgraded to the latest Seti software version 1.6.
For the time begin I deinstalled the Seti software. So all aliens who were bound to be found by me will have to wait a little longer.
Anyone experiencing similar problems?
Deinstalling the Seti software didn't solve the problems with the Organic Art screensaver. I hope it gets rid of the exception error.
System info.
Asus P2B-S
PII 400
128 MB Ram
Win 98 SE
G200 Millenium 8MB SGRAM
G200 Graphics software
Graphics BIOS 2.3 - 11
Display Driver
Matrox PowerDesk
Mini - VDD
DirectD/Direct3D Driver
Microsoft DirectX
No tweaks.
From time to time when starting up, just before the desktop is shown, I get an exception 0E and the system hangs, requiring a cold boot. After a restart, scandisk is always run. Then sometimes it happens again.
So sometimes I have to restart win98 three times before I can work with it (running two times scandisk).
Also since running the Seti software in combination with pd 5.13 none of my Organic Art Plus! screensavers are working.
This exception 0E problem got worse since I upgraded to the latest Seti software version 1.6.
For the time begin I deinstalled the Seti software. So all aliens who were bound to be found by me will have to wait a little longer.
Anyone experiencing similar problems?
Deinstalling the Seti software didn't solve the problems with the Organic Art screensaver. I hope it gets rid of the exception error.
System info.
Asus P2B-S
PII 400
128 MB Ram
Win 98 SE
G200 Millenium 8MB SGRAM
G200 Graphics software
Graphics BIOS 2.3 - 11
Display Driver
Matrox PowerDesk
Mini - VDD
DirectD/Direct3D Driver
Microsoft DirectX
No tweaks.