180 please please...!!!!
No announcement yet.
$180 you wish. you will be lucky if you find the card in stock anywhere else. especially since he is getting what, $250, if he returns it RMA? So, you are $70 below what matrox will give him back.
i would return it since when matrox releases the card to the USA the prices will drop.
just return it.
CBAbit BX6 Rev.1
Celeron 366A PPGA @ 566, 2.1v
192 meg RAM, CAS2
13.0 gig Maxtor 4320 HD
6.0 gig Maxtor (in removeable drive bay)
HP8110i 4x2x24
Pioneer DVD-104
SB Live! 1024
G400 32MB DH 5ns RAM at 187/211
Two KDS 17" Trinitron monitors
YAMAHA HTR-5140 Reciever
im just a broke high school student that cant wait for 4 weeks for it to come out on online stores...
i also have a CL TNT right now that im trying to sell.... im going to the computer fair on saturday i hope they have one there, but i doubht they'll have max...
I really want it!!! if u dont get any other offers over 180 will u consider? =(
Umm I had a vooodoo 2, a tnt 2,and right now i have a cl tnt, i've been through a lot of cards just from trading and shit... i want a g400 =) i play a lot, i enter tourneys all the time, never get first but second and third gets me prizes =P i need the g400 max ahhhhhh i have a tv by me too and i have a dvd player
If you want to be a buddy sell it to someone here.
If you want to speculate, put it on Ebay with a reserve. Sometimes people get so carried away there with losing a bid they will actually pay more than an item is really worth. If you don't get your reserve, you are just out your posting fee.
Be advised they did change their policy recently for selling reserve items due to, they say, complaints from bidders. (I think it was partially due to Ebay not getting commission on items sold below reserve).
I put dual 12MB VooDoo II's up for auction expecting to get like $50 each, which was average for one. I got $177.50, and I have been paid with MO and the cards are shipped to their new owner. The $177.50 will go towards my much waited for MAX.
Ebay, thats a good ideaI saw a G400 DH 32meg go for $230 week to a week and a half ago, it was the only G400 i've seen listed overthere and i'm there often.
Intel P2-400@448 (112), Asus P2B (1008), G400 SH 32meg OEM, 128 cas 3 PC100, WD 6.4HD, Sb Live value, KDS AV7T, Memorex 48x, Iomega Int. Zip, USR 56k V90, Yamaha YST-M15, Teac 3.5.