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Stress Relief (again) aka new fun thread

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  • Stress Relief (again) aka new fun thread

    thanks to the continuing efforts of a brainless @sshole I must repost this.....

    I was bored today....................

    MURCYWAVES [pronounced murkeywaves]
    - THe Forum at the end of the Universe!!
    (as seen thru the view of a G4x10 to the 2000th power video card
    with beta ICD

    scene opens
    on the page are Joel, Jorden, Slartibartfast, Holli(berry)
    and Tyllie the manic depresant meatball

    Holi(berry) {embraces Jorden}: Where are we?

    Jorden : I dont know...any ideas?

    Joel: What the...I was uploading the forum stuff after a crash
    then WHAM! a flash came over my screen and we were here....

    Slartibartfast: WOW! Look at this place...holographic walls, textured/bumpmapped
    floors like I've never seen..........
    We're not in G400 country anymore!!

    Tyllie: I'll bet no one will like a tasteless meatball here either!

    {suddenly a tall dark figure approaches wearing a
    "I want my G4x10 to the 2000th power vid card" button}

    Ant: My name is ANT, and I'll be your host for the evening.
    Please be sure to insert your Betafish translator:
    it works for most people all the time,
    some people some of the time...and other people
    none of the time ..that's why it's still a betafish.

    Tyllie: Another person bossing me around...ARGH!

    Holli(berry): WOW, look at that banner.........
    VooDoo mini-GL and Riva drivers due soon!
    Good to see that some things never change..hehehe

    {the group walks down the corridor}

    {To be continued.....}

    [This message has been edited by Dilitante1 (edited 08-21-1999).]
    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it

  • #2
    up....and more to come :-)
    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


    • #3
      what happened to the old one?? someone deleted it??


      • #4
        it was lost while Trash You Later was messing with the forum last nite
        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


        • #5
          Someone ought to bash this kidd...


          • #6
            maybe someone will "reach out and touch someone"
            and fix his lame@ss........

            oh well got to get thinking bout the rest of this storyline.. :-)
            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


            • #7
              If you let me say more than 3 words, it's okay by me...

              Then about my salary, we weren't finished on that yet...


              • #8
                Does anyone know Jacky Chan? Maybe we can get him to go over and teach Too Low Brow some manners.



                • #9
                  Jordan...every GREAT actor had to start somewhere..
                  besides this was only the begining ;-)
                  besides you got the girl so far...wouldnt risk tying Holli up with anyone else in the story (unless she wants it to go that way:-)


                  Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                  • #10
                    <g> heheheheheheh....

                    the once and future motub


                    • #11
                      I want out... you spelled not only MY name, but also the name of my fiancee wrong...



                      • #12
                        I am soooo sorry, i didnt cut and paste due to trying to answer as fast as possible


                        oh well if you still want out let me know...but it's only gonna get better from here 8-P

                        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                        • #13
                          Leave me in...

                          I wonder who is going to tie Holly up...



                          • #14
                            Our story so far:

                            besides you got the girl so far...wouldnt risk tying Holli up with anyone else in the story (unless she wants it to go that way:-)
                            Aw, gee honey, do you have to storm off in a huff? Oh, you do? Well, I'm all, ummmm.... <u>tied up</u> here, but I want you to know that I <u>totally</u> support your ethical decision, and I'll see you at home... errr, later.....

                            ....Damn, he's smarter than he looks...

                            the once and future motub

                            [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-21-1999).]


                            • #15
                              Now this is more like it.. I, too misspelled your name, Holly. Sincerest apologies.

                              Kind Regards,


