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  • #61
    So if you don't, you'll have a credit in the 'Luck' column. Couldn't hoit...



    • #62
      Heya Steve! Should I see if I can catch Paul and his First Aid Kit? Those bite marks could maybe use some iodine...they look kinda deep...

      the once and future motub


      • #63
        i like anchovies. they're yummy. *sucks on the boomstick*

        btw, someone said 22 was young for this forum... im 16... OoOOOOoooOo

        Zarcatron: Robot Defender of the Universe!


        • #64
          Anchovies?? I hate Anchovies... And he kept throwing them at me, and prodding me with that boomstick... have you ever looked down the barrels of a twelve gauge double barreled Remington?? And seen them filled with Anchovies?? EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeWWWWwwwww!!!


          It is possible that something in this message may have been Copyright 1999, Slartibartfast (tm). All rights, lefts, ups and downs reserved. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
          Holly, Love and Stupidity Reigns !!



          • #65
            To all Senior, Regular and Junior Members of these forum:

            I hereby swear, that after the required mention for legibility's sake, you will never hear me bring up, mention, or post anything related to the subject of "anchovies" ever again. I think we're allergic....*

            And, Slarty, please make xevious stop sucking y---... errr, I mean, what he's doing. It's making me ill.

            the once and future motub

            *except for Jorden, whose wit remains untarnished and unmatched [this wildly extravagant compliment posted in compliance with Section 13-2 of the Girlfriend's and Fiancee's Unified Code, as required by law].


            • #66


              My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


              • #67
                Wow....actually got a picture, well more than one, a whole load of em!
                BTW, you shouldn't be on that mobile phone, you know - brain cancer and all that?
                And, please tell me those pictures of you on the couch are not of you on Jerry Springer!?!?!?

                Sorry guys, no public viewing allowed.....

                Holly, what a disappointment! You're letting me go without doing anything? *sigh* I was looking forward to a fight...
                And please no more Anchovies.... Or Jorden gets it.


                My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


                • #68
                  If no public viewing is allowed, what are you doing in possession of her pictures then, Steve??

                  How many people use your PC at home again? 4?
                  And what about your colleagues at work?? (I had a nice chat with one Jermaine through your ICQ@work yesterday... who's s/he? )

                  No more anchovies, I love salami though (with lots of garlic!!!).


                  P.S: Thanks Holly, don't forget to read up on Chapter 14, section 14-3, subsection 3A, lines 3 to 354 though...

                  [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 08-20-1999).]


                  • #69
                    Ah no, if needs be, I can be trusted with sacred items... I have a safe haven for all things important on my PCs, so, Ami, or foxy your secret's safe with me.

                    And Jorden - jermaine? I don't know... oh yeah, I think it could be some guy here who likes to cross-dress...

                    And all this talk about marriages... aww, it's so sweet. I've just seen one this morning of a colleague of mine. Alltogether now: "Awwwwwww"


                    My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


                    • #70

                      I think HE was the cleaning-LADY....

                      BTW, who's talking about marriages?? Or was that a simple way of you proposing to Ami/foxy/fizzy/phz/what else??


                      [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 08-20-1999).]


                      • #71
                        Me? I didn't start this off. I quote:

                        I've seen references to marriages and stuff here, wow. Maybe fill-rates are a universal language. (fluttery look of starry-eyed hopefulness)


                        My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


                        • #72
                          Who's quote?? Or do I have to search through all the messages to find it??


                          • #73
                            Sorry, Amiyra's post up there somewhere.


                            My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


                            • #74
                              So that's a yes, Steve??


                              • #75
                                Wow. This thread is getting TOTALLY out of hand. Next thing you know everyone's going to be collapsing in a quivering orgy of anchovie paste and metal polish.

                                Yes, Fizzy - there is a bit of talk about marriages and stuff in the personal information thread, and also wherever else Jorden and Holly start to get out of hand...

                                But it's not like marriage is a BAD thing, right? Trust me, there's nothing in the world like going to sleep KNOWING your best friend will still be there when you wake up... *SIGH*

                                (Plus the guilt-free, consequence-free sex whenever you want it doesn't hurt, either!)

                                - Ash

                                P.S. Yes, this entire argument has been over the shotgun of a one-handed, chainsaw-wielding S-Mart employee.

                                Portions of this message may have been Copyright 1999, Jorden van der Elst. All rights (and lefts) reserved.
                                Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...

