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Oh sh!t, my dog chewed my Max

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  • Oh sh!t, my dog chewed my Max

    I actually had a dream last night that was pretty scarry. Here goes:

    It's thursday (of this week) and I'm exicted that my Max is arriving. I get a phone call while I'm playing pool(billards) from my sister telling my that the card has arrived. (do note that I would usually be at work on a thursday). Instead of leaving at 5, I take off early and race home. On the way I run into a light pole and total my car. I'm pissed about the car, but call a cab(?) and get a ride home anyways(appearently leaving my car). Upon arriving at my house, I find no one home. I notice what appears to be the G400Max on the counter with a note on it. The note read something like, "Mitzi(dog's name) is very sorry for what she has done". I notice that the edge of the card is badly chewed up. I was so pissed that I threw the Max accross the room and it stuck in the side of my 21" viewsonic montior.

    Unfortunally I don't remember anymore. But I felt much relieved when I noticed it was only wednesday today.

    Guess I have been thinking about my Max too much.


  • #2
    Don't worry, you haven't too long to wait. I've already called the men in white coats and they said they will be straight over. Just don't move....


    My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


    • #3
      I think we need to start a 12-step support group for people waiting for MAXs.

      - My name is Andrew and I have an addiction...

      Just take it one day at a time :P
      Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


      • #4
        Do you have a phone number for me to call.
        I want to join, 'cause I believe "my name is jeremy and I have a problem" :-)


        • #5
          Well, my nice second monitor(19 inch)is sitting next to the first monitor(21 inch) and watching the big brother with envy. He's thinking: "when is the day I am going to get a share of all these wonderful images my master created?" I told him: "Gr****opper, your chance to shine is coming soon. Now, can you guess where in hell is that brown ups truck?"

          Arrrggghhh.... I am loosing my mind!!!


          • #6

            Maybe gr****opper can guess something for me too? Where's the UPS-Truck with my newest Anime-Shipment?? (weird eyes) I want to torture my old Marvel G200 with weird Anime DVDs before I'm going to rip it out of my machine for a Marvel G400.

            Bwahahahahahahaha (jump, drool) %-]

            I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere...


            • #7
              That was no dream...


              • #8
                Ok - that wasn't nice.. but Ant - there was no need to cut her legs off!

                Phil (MURC's G200 : WWW.G200.COM


                • #9
                  Ha ha ha,

                  good idea and a nice picture Ant !!! And a nice dog by the way.


                  <font size="1">
                  Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
                  ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
                  Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
                  2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
                  256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
                  Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
                  ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
                  Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
                  Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
                  Plustek Optic Pro U12B
                  HP Deskjet 959C
                  Plantronics LS1 Headset
                  all on W2k Professional SP2


                  • #10
                    Society for
                    Prevention of
                    Cruelty to
                    Accelerators will be knocking on YOUR door

                    p.s. Dont forget to wipe it down B4 you install it again!! ZZZZTT!

                    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                    • #11
                      Thanx ANT,

                      I couldn't stop rooling on the floor laughing at the picture. I just hope your not bringing my dream to life - dont send me that card in the picture. Bad dog... go away... don't chew on the max... bad dog!!!


                      PS. Isn't it nice to know that our Administrator has a good sense of humor.
                      Keep up the good work ANT.


                      • #12
                        Just so you know ANT, the picture is now the wallpaper on my desktop.


                        • #13
                          It's that extra drool cooling that allows me to overclock it so much


                          • #14
                            You know I've been trying to train my retriever using TNT2s. I throw one and yell 'fetch,' and he just sits there. Oh well...


                            • #15
                              Ant, you're a wild man. I just keep thinking.. TELL me he did that with Photoshop!! Please!!! I love my cat, but I still get paranoid when he gets close to a circuit board, much less the HOLY GRAIL of all circuit boards!!! NO! GO AWAY! that's NOT your territory!!! (rubbing his chin on the g400 chip) zap!

                              AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I waited 3 months for that!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

                              (Nightmare copyright 1999 KvHagedorn)

                              Kind Regards,


