I actually had a dream last night that was pretty scarry. Here goes:
It's thursday (of this week) and I'm exicted that my Max is arriving. I get a phone call while I'm playing pool(billards) from my sister telling my that the card has arrived. (do note that I would usually be at work on a thursday). Instead of leaving at 5, I take off early and race home. On the way I run into a light pole and total my car. I'm pissed about the car, but call a cab(?) and get a ride home anyways(appearently leaving my car). Upon arriving at my house, I find no one home. I notice what appears to be the G400Max on the counter with a note on it. The note read something like, "Mitzi(dog's name) is very sorry for what she has done". I notice that the edge of the card is badly chewed up. I was so pissed that I threw the Max accross the room and it stuck in the side of my 21" viewsonic montior.
Unfortunally I don't remember anymore. But I felt much relieved when I noticed it was only wednesday today.
Guess I have been thinking about my Max too much.
It's thursday (of this week) and I'm exicted that my Max is arriving. I get a phone call while I'm playing pool(billards) from my sister telling my that the card has arrived. (do note that I would usually be at work on a thursday). Instead of leaving at 5, I take off early and race home. On the way I run into a light pole and total my car. I'm pissed about the car, but call a cab(?) and get a ride home anyways(appearently leaving my car). Upon arriving at my house, I find no one home. I notice what appears to be the G400Max on the counter with a note on it. The note read something like, "Mitzi(dog's name) is very sorry for what she has done". I notice that the edge of the card is badly chewed up. I was so pissed that I threw the Max accross the room and it stuck in the side of my 21" viewsonic montior.
Unfortunally I don't remember anymore. But I felt much relieved when I noticed it was only wednesday today.
Guess I have been thinking about my Max too much.