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Wrong ICD in 5.21.017

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  • #16
    If they did indeed put the wrong ICD in 5.21, they better up the version number instead of quietly slipstream the fix in!

    [This message has been edited by LrngToFly (edited 09-02-1999).]


    • #17
      Yes.. If anyone from Matrox reads this, please don't take it out on Sven. He is one of the bright spots in your company and should be rewarded for the kind of customer relations you SHOULD be practicing! He is obviously an engineer, one of the bright minds (in the tradition of Dilbert) that REALLY make things go in a Hi-Tech company.
      So, to all you pointy-haired executives out there who think that your personal or corporate image is best served by hushing things up and firing people who REALLY matter, while you pocket your fat paychecks and stock options, get a clue! We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Fess up, dammit! It's no big deal! As long as you admit it and correct it, we'll forgive you.

      Kind Regards,



      • #18
        We're all going to look mighty silly tomorrow when it turns out they didn't smeg up at all



        • #19
          hello. there were 18 replies a minute ago. This is exceedingly suspicious. I suspect poltergeists.



          • #20
            That's what you get for starting an interesting thread smiff

            Kind Regards,



            • #21
              So would that be "com-poltergeists" smiff???


              • #22
                I'll help you keep this thread on top, Smiffy!

                Current situation analysis:
                01% chance a virus ****et.... nah it's not worth it

                If what you say is true KvH, then Big M is using M$ marketing technique. Make it look good, make many people see it, cover up the ugly parts and keep by all means quiet. shhh!

                Smiff that would be me deleting my situation prediction presenting possibilities in percentage. eh.... no offense? I'll delete the others too.



                • #23
                  LOL thanks for the Kind words but I dont work for Matrox LOL

                  I JUST WANT WORKING FAST OPENGL WAhhhhhh


                  • #24
                    BTW, Smiff, great quote! My favorite line from my favorite movie, no less. =)

                    Kind Regards,



                    • #25
                      ahh now we see the violence inherent in the system!


                      • #26
                        So let me get this straight:

                        1) The ICD that came with the new G400 drivers is INCORRECT?

                        2) I'm getting a G400 MAX tomorrow

                        3) I'm going to be REALLY PISSED?

                        Please, someone tell me that Matrox hasn't screwed up yet again...

                        Primary System: PIII-540 (450@4.5x120), Soyo 6BA+ III, 256MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, Millennium G200 AGP, Millennium II, Voodoo2 SLI, Two Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u monitors, 3Com 3C905, SoundBlaster 32, Altec Lansing AC5 spkrs, 2nd Parallel Port, WD AC41800 18GB HD, WD AC310100 10GB HD, Toshiba XM-6102b CD-ROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, Epson Stylus Pro, Sharp JX-9400 LJ-II compatible, OptiUPS PowerES 650, MS SideWinder Precision Pro USB joystick, Logitech 3-button mouse, Mitsumi keyboard, Win98 SE, Belkin OmniCube 4-port KVM

                        Secondary System: PII-266, Asus P2B BIOS 1008, 128MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, Millennium II, 3Com 3C590, ADSL Modem 640kbit down/96kbit up, 3Com 3C509, Mylex BT-930 SCSI card, Seagate 2GB Hawk, NEC 6x CD-ROM, Linux distro S.u.S.E. 6.1 (IP Masquerade works!)

                        Tertiary System: DFI G568IPC Intel 430HX chipset, P200MMX, 96MB of non-parity RAM, Millennium II, 3Com 3C900, SoundBlaster 16 MCD, Fujitsu 3.5GB HD, WD 1.2GB HD, OS of the week

                        All specs subject to change.
                        The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                        The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                        The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


                        • #27
                          I saw your twin Mitsubishi 900u on your homepage, ice! A beautiful setup for a MAX I'm waiting for my 900u to get back from service (yes I got a lemon).


                          • #28
                            So, should I stop downloading it?


                            • #29
                              No. Finish download, uninstall-reinstall, test, test again, try many crazy things and post your experience.

                              Things like "not so many chrashes", "more stable", "less/better performance" etc. counts most


                              • #30
                                One of my Diamond Pro 900u's was REPLACED with a NEW one from Misubishi. Had this annoying habit of refusing to power up after being left in standby for 14 hours.

                                Anywho, I must have talked to the right people at PC Expo, because instead of the Advance Exchange warranty, I got a brand spanking new unit. :-)

                                Of course, it's neighbor never had any issues.

                                Primary System: PIII-540 (450@4.5x120), Soyo 6BA+ III, 256MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, Millennium G200 AGP, Millennium II, Voodoo2 SLI, Two Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u monitors, 3Com 3C905, SoundBlaster 32, Altec Lansing AC5 spkrs, 2nd Parallel Port, WD AC41800 18GB HD, WD AC310100 10GB HD, Toshiba XM-6102b CD-ROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, Epson Stylus Pro, Sharp JX-9400 LJ-II compatible, OptiUPS PowerES 650, MS SideWinder Precision Pro USB joystick, Logitech 3-button mouse, Mitsumi keyboard, Win98 SE, Belkin OmniCube 4-port KVM

                                Secondary System: PII-266, Asus P2B BIOS 1008, 128MB PC100 ECC SDRAM, Millennium II, 3Com 3C590, ADSL Modem 640kbit down/96kbit up, 3Com 3C509, Mylex BT-930 SCSI card, Seagate 2GB Hawk, NEC 6x CD-ROM, Linux distro S.u.S.E. 6.1 (IP Masquerade works!)

                                Tertiary System: DFI G568IPC Intel 430HX chipset, P200MMX, 96MB of non-parity RAM, Millennium II, 3Com 3C900, SoundBlaster 16 MCD, Fujitsu 3.5GB HD, WD 1.2GB HD, OS of the week

                                All specs subject to change.
                                The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
                                The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
                                The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."

