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Speeding up 5.21

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  • #46
    Hrmmm, well, just to continue on with this...

    Tried out the q3 demos again in 640x480 and 800x600 as well, with the same settings save the resolution change.

    640x480 = 34.0 fps
    800x600 = 32.3 fps

    Those seem weird... you'd figure the resolution change would have affected the score more. Although I'm new to this stuff, so maybe I just have no idea what I'm talking about.

    Oh well, back to the fragging.
    You mean, think of something witty to say? I don't think I have the energy for that.


    • #47
      KvH and MM,

      Your right. It shouldn't be this much of a headache to get Vsync disabled. I think it would be alot simpler if we provided a vsync on/off util for everyone. We're closed on Monday due to a national holiday so you'll get word on this on Tuesday.

      Paul - Sun screen 18, called my mom everyday to see how she's doing, ate my veggies regulary, and enjoyed the view



      • #48
        Did yer wife slap ya for enjoying the view?


        • #49
          What, you think I'm a fool?

          I had my sunglasses on the whole time



          • #50
            Sunglasses or no sunglasses, they JUST KNOW!!! At least my wife does.


            • #51
              OK - Tuesday everyone will be banging on your door, Haig

              You know how the BBs feel 'bout it - the sooner Matrox gets some additional utils out, the better. People need to be able to simply click a checkbox to disable vsynch
              Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


              • #52
                I'm might just take the rest of my holidays next week

                I do agree though, a few check boxes would be nice and would also bring down the calls.

                Rags, the trick is to tilt your head away from your wife and have the eye closest to her shut.


                [This message has been edited by Haig (edited 09-04-1999).]


                • #53
                  It's good to see you back, Haig, and that you maintained that strict high fiber diet while polishing off all those pink and green umbrella drinks. I'm glad to hear the scenery was nice.

                  I like the new drivers, by the way. They fix nearly everything. I've done my damnedest, and I cannot get Quake2 or Kingpin to lockup. And just when I thought my display could never look better, my display actually looked better.

                  You know, while you were gone, all hell broke loose and poor Ant had to put up with more nonsense than usual. Emergency registry hacks were posted, but that check-off box would have helped keeping the rumors from spreading on to Usenet.



                  • #54
                    IlleglWpns, the problem people were having yesterday, before the registry hack, was a sizable drop in framerates.

                    With the hack, most people are getting benchmarks similar to the marks they were getting with 5.13/5.15. I suspect this upgrade was designed to fix some problems, and not to dramatically improve performance.



                    • #55
                      Rags, the trick is to tilt your head away from your wife and have the eye closest to her shut.
                      You must be joking. They know who you are going to look at before you do.

                      I just keep telling mine "it doesn't matter who pumps up the tires, your the only one that gets to ride the bike."
                      MSI K7D Master L, Water Cooled, All SCSI
                      Modded XP2000's @ 1800 (12.5 x 144 FSB)
                      512MB regular Crucial PC2100
                      Matrox P
                      X15 36-LP Cheetahs In RAID 0


                      • #56
                        I know, I was luckier than most....I would have been really pissed if framerates went down, it's just a little disappointing that's all. However some people have been noticing a nice Direct3d boost which is good since Direct3d is more important anyway.


                        • #57
                          try gl_textsort "1" in halflife and quake2

                          as reported in here
                          this seems to fix a bug and make opengl faster.

                          i have not tryed this yet. i am still stuck at work.
                          msi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.

                          it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....

                          Don't son that gun is loaded.


                          • #58
                            Ok..I thought I wasnt stupid but apparently I am.. ;-) Here it is:

                            5.13 - Quake2; no special cfg-file..
                            640x480 = 87FPS
                            800x600 = 83FPS
                            1024x1024 = 70FPS

                            Pls be aware that I OCed my G400 16M-SH to 160/200.

                            Now after installing 5.21 I got the following scores:

                            5.21; Quake2; no config (these are the scores before I disabled vsync):
                            640x480 = 44FPS
                            800x600 = 40FPS
                            1280x1024 = 30FPS

                            I was sure this was a problem so I informed and I disabled vSync like you guys told me. Dont go asking me if the key is under "0000" I asked Ant on ICQ ..I did (if it worked) disable vSync.. so after this the following scores:

                            640x480 = 66FPS
                            800x600 = 63FPS

                            Ok..this is better but still !not! the level I used to get. Point is..I have an Athlon and I can get to the previous score level by using the AMD Q2 update for 3dnow.. but with 5.13 there wasnt a difference in scores between 3dnow and plain q2.. so I just posted the plain Q2 scores..what can I do to fix this??

                            MSI-6167,Athlon 500MHz,256MB,G400 16MSH(160/200)

