That's build seems to work with the G400 Max as the new version doesn't. I replaced it when I downloaded the new powerstrip GX version

If anyone has PowerStrip GX (build 12) please e-mail it to me and I will be very happy!

PIII 558 (PIII 450 with case open and extra fans), G400 Max, Abit BH6, 128MB (LGS PC100), 2 Network Cards (one is ISA and the other is PCI), SBLiveValue, 21" Viewsonic P815-3, 15" Samsung, 9G WD (ATA66 at 33!), 6G Quantum (ATA33), 7100i CD-RW, 32x CDR, 3G Tape Backup, 2 External Modems, WebCam, OptiPro Scanner, Win98SE