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Anyone from Matrox actually comment on these drivers?

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  • #16
    I think Matrox needs to hire new people who knows how to handle this stuff. Because this is sad.

    The people they have now, well suck! If this was lets say a console company in Japan. Alot of firing and rehiring probably would of happend by now.

    I recall companies don't really care about us consumer based purchases. When about 95% of the deals is OEM. I'm sure we are just small potatoes when it comes to the income they make for our purchase of the retail card.

    It's a business and we are just the peanuts to the company.

    Maybe that's why they can give two shits about are squables..

    [This message has been edited by Z_Morris (edited 09-06-1999).]

    [This message has been edited by Z_Morris (edited 09-06-1999).]


    • #17
      Yeah, that's right. Matrox don't give a damn about y'all. That is why Haig went out of his way to create a beta program so that new drivers can be tested by outside ppl. These ppl also has direct connect to Haig to be able to report any defects found in them so they can be fixed before being released to the public. Not everything can be caught but we do our best and we don't always know what is going on but we will let you know what we can. I will assure you that the OpenGL is being looked into.

      Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


      System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
      OS: Windows XP Pro.
      Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


      • #18
        I think the releases on the developer page should be available as release candidates. Creative Labs had just such a program for their US division. Of course they also had a news server for handling tech support en masse. Instead of a million people emailing them and flooding them with phone calls, they could answer in the news group and address them all at once. Much more efficient than one on one, things get clarified a lot faster when several people ask questions. OTOH, I don't think that weekly builds should be available to the public, that would just be madness.


        • #19
          Joel. The whole point is that Haig is an individual, not a whole as a company. Just as this R0M does. R0M doesn't get paid to help people on his own time.

          Do you see the problem here?

          To bad, Matrox can't see that alot of people are unhappy. It's nice to see some (1 or 2) try to lend a hand out. But the fact that they are doing this on there own time is the point.

          When will the company react to this bullshit we have to go through time and time again. I do sense the repeat of the G200 saga all over again.


          • #20
            Well there used to be a much more open Matrox presence in here but guess what? They kept getting hounded and attacked by jerks so they withdrew.


            • #21
              I don't care what happened in the past. They simply could have stated why these drivers don't perform as promised. Then everyone is happy and waits eagerly for the next release. But simply ignoring the customers is plain wrong.

              I bought the G400 because the beta drivers seemed to be much faster just as Matrox had promised for the next driver release. Isn't it normal that I feel a little (big) bit betrayed by what seems to be a marketing trap?


              • #22
                I bought the g400max because i hoped it will fully replace my tnt2ultra...but NOPE.
                Image quality is SUPER , DUAL HEAD is SUPER , evbm is SUPER , direct3d speed is SUPER ...opengl speed is CRAP !
                Oh man , matrox is really costing me money
                because as long as opengl speed is so slow i can´t sell my tnt2u .... and the prices are falling ....shit.


                • #23
                  Yes it is normal to feel that way. Matrox has to realize that telling lies is not the right way to make customers happy. Less promises, more results.

                  When I bought G400, I expected to see many problems (after reading many "G400 sucks" tobics...), but I found it to be one of the most troublefree card. G400 really is very impressive piece of work and I really enjoy it. Performance is excellent in D3D and quite good in OpenGL too.
                  So good work Matrox!!!
                  But telling lies, ...well, that's not good.


                  [This message has been edited by Micko (edited 09-07-1999).]


                  • #24
                    Interesting what a stir this caused after I posted it. My intention WASN'T to lay flame bait out there. It was simply to comment on my dissapointment in the GL drivers ONLY. I think the image and color quality of 2D on the card is unmatched, with the current drivers in 5.21.

                    My original point was that I half wanted/expected at least an official viewpoint as to why there was no speed increase in GL in 5.21. Yes, they probably run at the same rate with Vsynch turned off as the 5.13 ICD did. Informal comments by Haig and by the beta testers don't really match an official statement such as "We wanted to make the ICD more stable and more compatible for this release; they won't run any faster, but they will run more things. A subsequent release which is (Choose one)

                    1. soon-to-be-released
                    2. a couple months away
                    3. merely a wet dream

                    will improve on the framerates you crave for your shooters and make the G400-series the most overall impressive video card you will want to own for the next year and a half."

                    Now something like this, I woulda bought into. But my comment on the fact that Matrox hardly ever explains anything about what's going on is the part that frustrates me here. I love the color on this damn card so much I'd feel screwed if I had to go to another chipset to support my gaming. And I think the G400 is certainly capable of doing both.



                    • #25
                      I guess I better say something since no one else will.

                      For some good news, I'll choose option one from Shreek's post. This means that something will be done about an easier way to disable V-Sync. I can't say when and I can't say whether it will be in form of a utility or a new driver.

                      The current build has texture management problems just like MM had outlined in a thread, but it is alot more stabler in most OGL games/apps which is what we were aiming for. It also fixed a few problems with PIII systems.



                      • #26
                        Thanks Haig!

                        That's is all I wanted to here; no need for me to upgrade drivers . Thanks for your honest response Haig it is refreshing to hear. Happily chugging along with 5.15.


                        • #27
                          Thank you Haig for the clarification!

