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A kickass 11 fps with the new drivers?

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  • #46
    Z, Your point is good, but illiterately made. "Should have been faster" is correct. Learn proper English, or everyone will think anything you say is moronic.

    Kind Regards,


    [This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-05-1999).]

    [This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-05-1999).]


    • #47
      Sorry for the spelling errors. I didn't realize this forum is that picky about the spelling.


      • #48
        It is. A certain "tylau" got that lesson well learned.


        • #49
          Frankly, I think it is people who expect everyone to be a native English speaker in a global forum who are the real morons. If you understand what is meant, that should be enough for you.


          • #50
            No one has commented on this little point though:

            Benchmarking in HL is complete crap more often than not.

            Even in 1013, its crap. It still caps on 40fps for many scenes regardless.

            For the 11fps, I doubt it PLAYED like 11fps.

            This whole thing is much like the old 'rotate fps' in Q2. BOGUS. Run into a tight corner, get 200fps. Stand in a field of active objects, get 1fps. HL fps measuring is still crap. Sorry.


            • #51
              Scout255, I suspect a bad piece of hardware, either the mobo(or it's drivers if a SS7) or the G400. Test as many of the components as you can in another computer.
              Hope I can be of help. I also use 5.13 as they are faster.

              AssuP2P??,300a at 337,128megs of the good stuff,G400reg32megSH,cheapy yamaha PCI sound,'couple o' little HD's,42XCDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch
              AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


              • #52
                Himself, I think you'll find MORRIS is an ENGLISH name. (I know because it happens to be mine, too.) Should (would, could) of is a mistake which is commonly made by AMERICANS. (I know because I happen to be one of those, too.) I have nothing against Z. In fact, I complimented the point he made. He is not a moron (and if you think I'm one, you're just a psycho.) In fact, I apologized for offending him in another thread where he was saying he was upset about it.

                The point is, correct English form does exist, and we should all learn it. I never had a grudge against the teachers who helped me to do so. Using improper grammar only makes one's point sound weak when it really shouldn't.

                Sorry for being so pedantic (look it up =P).

                Kind Regards,


                [This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 09-06-1999).]


                • #53
                  Damn! such hostility in here.

                  (I spelled these words right) hehehe.


                  • #54
                    Hi guys. I did find it interesting that the HL FPS went up by disabling the MT. I agree with several of you that the 5.13 drivers appear to be faster though, when systems tweaked similarly are compared. My Q3 benchmarks with every graphics option but Enable V-Sync set or at the highest level (texture detail) results in a ~24.7 FPS results in q3demo1 with the 5.13 drivers and ~15.1 with the newer 5.21 drivers. I'm still using the 5.21, but only because I've been too lazy/busy to remove them and reinstall the 5.13. I've seen no other difference in any of my games, and I have quite a few. These benchmarks were obtained on a P3-450@558 with 256MB Ram and a SbLive!Value sound card.

                    It really disappointed me that the performance dropped. If I had been experiencing any of the problems that Matrox claims to have fixed in the new drivers, I'm sure I'd have felt differently, but I haven't. They even claim to have fixed a problem when using the card/drivers with a P3. Must've disabled any optimization for the SSE instructions. LOL.

                    " much for subtlety.."

                    System specs:
                    Gainward Ti4600
                    AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


                    • #55
                      Zypher, the 11 fps might not be the real fps but I can tell you that at the moment the counter shows 11 fps it is almost unplayable. Especially when I turn around you can count the frames yourself. If I use the voodoo2 instead it is smooth.

