LEECHFTP caused a general protection fault
in module G400.DRV at 0004:0000174b.
EAX=00000005 CS=0377 EIP=0000174b EFLGS=00010286
EBX=00001908 SS=4177 ESP=d71e8908 EBP=000089e0
ECX=ffffffff DS=0387 ESI=00000002 FS=17b7
EDX=0000000a ES=17b7 EDI=0000009d GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
26 08 1f 03 fe 4a 75 f8 e9 a3 f9 ff ff f6 d3 26
Stack dump:
00003b82 00008a14 00000607 00000000 00000000 06070d84 22163b82 00ff0607 fff3c449 00000d84 004d0000 3b820607 06072216 006f00b4 89608406 00000000
Mostly useless I know (most prog failure messages are) but I should note the program still worked, all my files got uploaded b/c I waited for it to finsih all network activity. When these kind of errors come up, I avoid clicking 'close' as long as I can stand, esp if its like this, where I need to finish uploading.
Any ideas? I'll just live with it for now I guess.
LEECHFTP caused a general protection fault
in module G400.DRV at 0004:0000174b.
EAX=00000005 CS=0377 EIP=0000174b EFLGS=00010286
EBX=00001908 SS=4177 ESP=d71e8908 EBP=000089e0
ECX=ffffffff DS=0387 ESI=00000002 FS=17b7
EDX=0000000a ES=17b7 EDI=0000009d GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
26 08 1f 03 fe 4a 75 f8 e9 a3 f9 ff ff f6 d3 26
Stack dump:
00003b82 00008a14 00000607 00000000 00000000 06070d84 22163b82 00ff0607 fff3c449 00000d84 004d0000 3b820607 06072216 006f00b4 89608406 00000000
Mostly useless I know (most prog failure messages are) but I should note the program still worked, all my files got uploaded b/c I waited for it to finsih all network activity. When these kind of errors come up, I avoid clicking 'close' as long as I can stand, esp if its like this, where I need to finish uploading.
Any ideas? I'll just live with it for now I guess.