I was having problems with my screen always
freezing up when attempting to shut down win98 using the g400 on a AMD-k63-350, via mvp3, super7 moterboard system. I tried all the latest drivers, bios changes ect.. all with no effect. I then e-mailed matrox tech support and amazingly, they replies within less then 12 hours with some good tips. What worked for me was going to advanced settings and turning off all the performannce setting,
such as bus mastering and poly acceleration and turning them back on one at a time to see what was causing the freeze ups. Enabling busmastering didn't cause any problems with shutdown, however enabling poly acceleration and device bitmap caching caused it to lock up each time. I don't know what these settings are for but they havent affected my speed in games or video corruptions. The other thing I noticed is that my agp is now times 1 instead of 2.Go figure. if anyone has had similar experiences please tell me how you resolved your problem.
Thanks Dann Swann
freezing up when attempting to shut down win98 using the g400 on a AMD-k63-350, via mvp3, super7 moterboard system. I tried all the latest drivers, bios changes ect.. all with no effect. I then e-mailed matrox tech support and amazingly, they replies within less then 12 hours with some good tips. What worked for me was going to advanced settings and turning off all the performannce setting,
such as bus mastering and poly acceleration and turning them back on one at a time to see what was causing the freeze ups. Enabling busmastering didn't cause any problems with shutdown, however enabling poly acceleration and device bitmap caching caused it to lock up each time. I don't know what these settings are for but they havent affected my speed in games or video corruptions. The other thing I noticed is that my agp is now times 1 instead of 2.Go figure. if anyone has had similar experiences please tell me how you resolved your problem.
Thanks Dann Swann