Finally broke down and ordered the g400 32mg dual card today$160 del(had ordered the max from matrox online but canceled-$256 for a card that will be outdated in 3-4 months is just too much darn money)
Anyway, suggestion for cooling and overclocking the card. I have the tenmax cooler on my CL TNT card now. Can I put tenmax on top of the heatsink that comes with the g400 or is it better to remove the heatsink and then put the temax directly on the chip? Or are there other cooling methods recommended that don't include the above?
Thanks for you help-really looking forward to the visual delights of the g400
Anyway, suggestion for cooling and overclocking the card. I have the tenmax cooler on my CL TNT card now. Can I put tenmax on top of the heatsink that comes with the g400 or is it better to remove the heatsink and then put the temax directly on the chip? Or are there other cooling methods recommended that don't include the above?
Thanks for you help-really looking forward to the visual delights of the g400