For a Canadian company, Matrox is showing complete disdain for consumers in its home country.
I am well aware that Matrox, like other companies, are primarily profit-driven, and that the U.S. is its largest market. I am also aware of the "problems" they have had with the hardware, specifically the G400 Max.
But when I preordered a video card on July 17 of this year, from a company that deals with a large Canadian distributor (Supercom, out of Toronto) and that distributor STILL has not received one single video card while store shelves in the U.S. retail chains are carrying off-the-shelf Max's, to me that sounds like Matrox simply doesn't WANT business in its home country.
Sure, I could order from the on-line store, but I have prepaid for the card. It would be another matter if the company was based in a different country. Hey, it's not like it's illegal to buy a Matrox video card in Canada.
I would bet that NO American company would go to such lengths to saturate foreign countries with their products without making those products readily available at home.
September 9 was supposed to be the date when shipping for the G400 max was to be in full swing. It is now October 1 and still no video card.
Well, there is an easy solution to my problem: get a TNT2 Ultra or a 3dfx card. Matrox must be doing so well they obviously don't want my business.
I am well aware that Matrox, like other companies, are primarily profit-driven, and that the U.S. is its largest market. I am also aware of the "problems" they have had with the hardware, specifically the G400 Max.
But when I preordered a video card on July 17 of this year, from a company that deals with a large Canadian distributor (Supercom, out of Toronto) and that distributor STILL has not received one single video card while store shelves in the U.S. retail chains are carrying off-the-shelf Max's, to me that sounds like Matrox simply doesn't WANT business in its home country.
Sure, I could order from the on-line store, but I have prepaid for the card. It would be another matter if the company was based in a different country. Hey, it's not like it's illegal to buy a Matrox video card in Canada.
I would bet that NO American company would go to such lengths to saturate foreign countries with their products without making those products readily available at home.
September 9 was supposed to be the date when shipping for the G400 max was to be in full swing. It is now October 1 and still no video card.
Well, there is an easy solution to my problem: get a TNT2 Ultra or a 3dfx card. Matrox must be doing so well they obviously don't want my business.