I recently got myself a G400MAX, and right from the beginning things were very unstable, with random lock-ups which garbled the graphics totally.
Anyway, matrox support very quickly found out that it was because the IRQ was shared(IRQ 11) amongst the built in LAN, the USB, and the SCSI controller(Adaptec 2904CD(same as AVA-2906)
Okay, as you might guess i went to have a look at the BIOS. But Compaq BIOS's are worthless, ZERO control over IRQ assignment.
I trie moving the SCsI controller to another slot, but it still claims IRQ 11.
Compaq support says they dont know how to change it/that it cant. Can anyone help me with this? Performance is great, so is picture quality, but stability = 0.
Anyway, matrox support very quickly found out that it was because the IRQ was shared(IRQ 11) amongst the built in LAN, the USB, and the SCSI controller(Adaptec 2904CD(same as AVA-2906)
Okay, as you might guess i went to have a look at the BIOS. But Compaq BIOS's are worthless, ZERO control over IRQ assignment.
I trie moving the SCsI controller to another slot, but it still claims IRQ 11.
Compaq support says they dont know how to change it/that it cant. Can anyone help me with this? Performance is great, so is picture quality, but stability = 0.