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Direct 3d Wrapper for G400?

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  • Direct 3d Wrapper for G400?

    a thought just occured to me. The g400's have kick ass D3D but lack a little in the openGL department, right?

    Well, since the D3D is so good, has anyone tried using the D3D wrapper and run a q3test benchmark to see if D3D is better than openGL performance with current drivers?

    if you have, do tell!

  • #2
    I downloaded the GLDirect from it seems a nice program with 3DNow optimizations but I tried to play q3test and it simply didn't run... you can all safly d'l and try this program, it has an option to use either a Direct3D wrapper or the regular OpenGL driver and you can easly uninstall it. It won't harm your computer and it might work... mybe it isn't compatible with dx7 and thats the reason it didn't work.


    • #3
      I also tried it with Quake 2 and it ran correctly. However in demo1.dm2 with a PII 450 MHz, G400 oc. 150/200 in 640x480x32 I get 45 fps with that GLDirect while the Matrox drivers score much higher at 67 fps. No GLDirect for me.

