I've touched on this before, but perhaps Haig or someone else from Matrox would respond to this.. We all know Apple just released a powerful new computer with a very powerful vector processing engine, and it seems the future is very bright for the Mac once again. The only problem I would have in buying a Mac G4, were I a graphics professional, is the lack of a really good graphics adapter for their newly-adopted PC style AGP slot. I think a G4-G400 combination would be absolutely killer for Photoshop, and I'm sure most people in that area would agree.
Now that Matrox seems to be a lot more on the ball as far as drivers are concerned, why not write some drivers for the MAC? OSX uses the same basic kernel as BSD, so some of the work being done on linux drivers could be paralleled in OSX. It's by far the biggest market left untapped by big M, and I'm sure the Apple people would love such a high end option to offer their customers. After all, Photoshop and graphics professionals are one of the main target audiences for both Apple and Matrox. It sounds like a good partnership.
Have you guys considered pursuing Apple as an oem?
Kind Regards,
Now that Matrox seems to be a lot more on the ball as far as drivers are concerned, why not write some drivers for the MAC? OSX uses the same basic kernel as BSD, so some of the work being done on linux drivers could be paralleled in OSX. It's by far the biggest market left untapped by big M, and I'm sure the Apple people would love such a high end option to offer their customers. After all, Photoshop and graphics professionals are one of the main target audiences for both Apple and Matrox. It sounds like a good partnership.
Have you guys considered pursuing Apple as an oem?
Kind Regards,