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Electric Amish Joins the G400 crowd!!!!

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  • Electric Amish Joins the G400 crowd!!!!

    Just got my OEM G400 32meg single head from the local shop for $152 USD. Installed it and all seems well. Getting 3900 on 3DMark Max99 @ 800x600x16 with the card overclocked to Fo=280 using MGA Tweak on my Celly 464a/128meg SDRAM system. I tried Final Reality for the hell of it and only got a 0.3 increase from my stock Millenium G200 8meg. Oh well, it's a silly benchmark anyway I do have a question, though. The only prob I've had is trying to update the bios. I get the error "A required .DLL file, OLEPRO32.DLL was not found." Any ideas what the deal is?? The bios update worked fine for my G200. Thanks guys....Back to the tweaking.

    Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.

  • #2
    That file should be in /system dir under Win98 or /system32 under WinNT.
    I don't know what installs it, but I have it in both Win98 and W2K systems, and I haven't installed any Matrox stuff to that W2K setup. And while the name refers to OLE and the company sig points to Microsoft, the case starts to become clear to me..
    Try to find it from some .CAB and copy it in place manually.



    • #3
      Thanks Burri,

      I double checked the CABs, but no go...Then I got the bright idea to check the Win98 CD and Bingo!! All's well now....

      Despite my nickname causing confusion, I have no religious affiliations.


      • #4
        Whenever you miss a .DLL file, do a search on it's name <A HREF="">here</A>.

