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G400 Dual Head OEM (not MAX) and Windows 2000 RC2 : Forced reboot on restart.

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  • G400 Dual Head OEM (not MAX) and Windows 2000 RC2 : Forced reboot on restart.

    Using the beta Win2k driver from Matroxs web page, I install it, Win2k starts using it without restarting, everything looks sweet, 32bit colour 1024x768, I restart Win2k, and it reloads, blue screens, reboots the machine. The G400 seems to work fine in Win98 (I have 98/2k RC2/Beos 4.5 on this machine), and I turned the DualHead features off in Win98 before rebooting to Win2k. Anyone have any ideas?

    System : Celeron 366, 128mb pc-100 ram, Abit BP6 motherboard, 2x 13Gb Quantum Fireball KA Plus hdd's, 12mb V2, 10/100 SMC nic, MX300 sound card, Pioneer 6x DVD (Tray model).

  • #2
    Badger Haig to give you a copy of the real W2K driver for the G400.



    • #3
      Real Win2K driver? Someone wanna help me out here? Haig, please? Bueller? Bueller?



      • #4
        Me too please. I really want that prototype DX7 driver.

        Lunatic, I too get blue screen. I tried took out all cards except the Max, and then it got a blue/white screen (stripes) and automatically rebooted. I'm now back with the old NT 4.0 4.12 drivers. Those are the only one working on my system.

        Now, I HAVE gotten that 4.90 driver to work. What I did was uninstall the 4.12 drivers, reboot, get blue screen, reboot into safemode, disable isa/pci cards+ide drives, reboot get blue screen, turn off computer pull out ide cables and pci/isa cards reboot it ****en worked!, shut down, plug inn IDE drives + all isa/pci cards except the soundblaster 64 AWEGold, rebood everything still fine, shut down, put in SB64, boot, and still fine.

        That was how I got OGL support in Lightwave. Now, as you see, I'm back with the 4.12. two hours ago I tried the 4.90 drivers, but no go even if I plugged out the machinery.

        Hey, Haigh, look at how much time I spend on this shit! please please please please let me have the aplha 2 prototype! ehm I promise not to tell how many bugs it contains? I promise not to tell if it ****s up my HD? etc. you get the picture.


        • #5
          where can I find the 4.12 NT drivers? I'll take anything that gives me a working 1024x768 16bit desktop 4.21 and 4.22 is all thats on the matrox ftp site.

          I tried the 4.22 NT drivers in win2k, with exactly the same results in RC1 and RC2. Will try 4.21 when I get home from work.

          Haig, if you feel like sharing that proper Win2k driver, is my email

          And if anyone gets hold of a BeOS 4.5 g400 driver, I'd love that too. 640x480 b&w desktops are just not cool.


          • #6
            Tried 4.21 drivers after complete removal of previous drivers, same problem

