[list=1] [*] PD 5.30 installed fine just by clicking the setup.exe file. Last time I had to manually update the G400 Max' drivers.[*] I can suddenly use the fourth button and the wheel on my logitech mouseman in Descent 3.[*] PD 5.30 defaults the refreshrate in games to 85hz or as much as the monitor can handle again.[*] Descent 3 seems to be a little smoother...[*] System Shock 2 don't have that horrible control lag any more.[*] My score with q3demo1 at normal settings in 800x600 went from 60.5 to 65.3 FPS.[*] The mousepointer don't pause when the HDs are heavy accessed.[*] Explorer don't seem to "miss" some of my double-clicks any more. [*] The PowerDesk tabs in display properties instantly appears, instead of kinda wait for a sec.[/list=a]
In addition to this I just wanto say that last time I reinstalled win98se was last week, and all I did since then was installing the PD 5.25 drivers, a few games and yesterday the EZ cd creator.
So, if you feel something is not quite right, got for it!
Thanks + Best Regards
In addition to this I just wanto say that last time I reinstalled win98se was last week, and all I did since then was installing the PD 5.25 drivers, a few games and yesterday the EZ cd creator.
So, if you feel something is not quite right, got for it!
Thanks + Best Regards