First off, I hope my comments didn't get under anyone's skin. That wasn't their intent. In fact, after I posted, I immediately revised my posting to include a quick line or two to say just that... My connection has been pretty flaky as of late, so I'm not surprised that the update didn't actually go through.
To begin with, while I didn't necessarily vibe with YS's "The G400 DH is too much money for a crap card with crap drivers" line. However, the rest of the post seemed to be appropriate, and I have seen equal language used in other postings as well. Plus, I know I have used "crap" in many a discussion of computer topics that I and the other participants considered relevant and informative.
Now, to address Speedy's points.
Speedy, while the DH version of the G400 may cost $30 more, that doesn't mean 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT graphic cards cost more together than a DH G400. For example. I use to own a pair of i740's, which can be purchased for less then $40 a piece.
I will grant that a second video card will require an additional IRQ. And, I will also grant that an additional video card will use up a PCI slot (also, I am assuming that you meant a g400 used only 1 AGP slot, not PCI, correct?).
I have a difficult time seeing, however, how these are critical points. If these are important issues for Jeep, I'm glad you brought them to his attention. However, what exactly does a work machine have in it that comes near using all the PCIs? There isn't a Voodoo to eat a slot. I'm going to guess there isn't a PCI sound card. Etc etc...
To give an example, my system has a SCSI card, NE2000-compat network card, Voodoo2, G400 Max, MX300 sound card, and up until recently, a pair of i740s. And I still had a free PCI for some future, magical device.
Also, I will reiterate one more time: This system, as currently described, doesn't entail a system requiring a 3D card. I would hate to have someone waste money on feature sets that he doesn't need.
Gurm, I understand where your coming from, and I do appreciate what you have to say. My complaint is directed at the fact that dissenting views are lambasted for what appears to be the sake of lambasting. For example, most people in this forum appear to have a problem with YS's crap line. However, in the message Ant posted regarding YS's comment, once again that evil word appeared.
Now, to reiterate, I am NOT trying to get people upset. I appreciate Ant's work (which I assume there is a SIGNIFICANT amount of), this forum's existence, and the people who go out of their way to participate in this forum to help others.
What I don't appreciate is when people who try and add to the forum are attacked and discouraged from participating. YS brought up the point that there may be a better choice for Jeep than a G400 DH. The fact that no one else posted anything to refute or support that point but instead were found it reason to launch personal attacks goes to show that the point was not going to be expressed. And, if I hadn't posted to support YS's comments, Speedy would not have stated the important issues involving IRQ usage (while, I'm left to assume, trying to attack me for a discenting opinion in an off-hand manner).
Once again, I am not trying to get people upset. Hopefully, my future posts won't require such a disclaimer. You folks will let me post again, won't you...
To begin with, while I didn't necessarily vibe with YS's "The G400 DH is too much money for a crap card with crap drivers" line. However, the rest of the post seemed to be appropriate, and I have seen equal language used in other postings as well. Plus, I know I have used "crap" in many a discussion of computer topics that I and the other participants considered relevant and informative.
Now, to address Speedy's points.
Speedy, while the DH version of the G400 may cost $30 more, that doesn't mean 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT graphic cards cost more together than a DH G400. For example. I use to own a pair of i740's, which can be purchased for less then $40 a piece.
I will grant that a second video card will require an additional IRQ. And, I will also grant that an additional video card will use up a PCI slot (also, I am assuming that you meant a g400 used only 1 AGP slot, not PCI, correct?).
I have a difficult time seeing, however, how these are critical points. If these are important issues for Jeep, I'm glad you brought them to his attention. However, what exactly does a work machine have in it that comes near using all the PCIs? There isn't a Voodoo to eat a slot. I'm going to guess there isn't a PCI sound card. Etc etc...
To give an example, my system has a SCSI card, NE2000-compat network card, Voodoo2, G400 Max, MX300 sound card, and up until recently, a pair of i740s. And I still had a free PCI for some future, magical device.
Also, I will reiterate one more time: This system, as currently described, doesn't entail a system requiring a 3D card. I would hate to have someone waste money on feature sets that he doesn't need.
Gurm, I understand where your coming from, and I do appreciate what you have to say. My complaint is directed at the fact that dissenting views are lambasted for what appears to be the sake of lambasting. For example, most people in this forum appear to have a problem with YS's crap line. However, in the message Ant posted regarding YS's comment, once again that evil word appeared.
Now, to reiterate, I am NOT trying to get people upset. I appreciate Ant's work (which I assume there is a SIGNIFICANT amount of), this forum's existence, and the people who go out of their way to participate in this forum to help others.
What I don't appreciate is when people who try and add to the forum are attacked and discouraged from participating. YS brought up the point that there may be a better choice for Jeep than a G400 DH. The fact that no one else posted anything to refute or support that point but instead were found it reason to launch personal attacks goes to show that the point was not going to be expressed. And, if I hadn't posted to support YS's comments, Speedy would not have stated the important issues involving IRQ usage (while, I'm left to assume, trying to attack me for a discenting opinion in an off-hand manner).
Once again, I am not trying to get people upset. Hopefully, my future posts won't require such a disclaimer. You folks will let me post again, won't you...
