"Wednesday October 13, 1999
Error in TurboGL benchmarks >> 11:12 PM - CalBear
As James says, "this is what happens when you let the games guy do benchmarks." On page 8 of the Dual Head article, the set of benchmarks pertaining to 1024x768 Q3 High Quality should have been labeled as 640x480. Kenn's constant dirty looks and that 6 inch butterfly knife he carries around will insure that such a heinous error won't happen on any future hardware articles from me. Thanks to Joe from the message boards for bringing this to our attention."
You can all rest in peace now knowing that you didn't do somthing wrong....
Error in TurboGL benchmarks >> 11:12 PM - CalBear
As James says, "this is what happens when you let the games guy do benchmarks." On page 8 of the Dual Head article, the set of benchmarks pertaining to 1024x768 Q3 High Quality should have been labeled as 640x480. Kenn's constant dirty looks and that 6 inch butterfly knife he carries around will insure that such a heinous error won't happen on any future hardware articles from me. Thanks to Joe from the message boards for bringing this to our attention."
You can all rest in peace now knowing that you didn't do somthing wrong....