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what processor to go with g400

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  • what processor to go with g400

    ok im selling my p2-400 + spare bx mobo for 280 (hell yea) i have a abit be-6 currently and im wondering which processor to get...
    im thinking p3-450, p3-500, athlon 500, or celeron 500.

    Now I want to use Turbo GL of course so that scratches out the celeron i believe. Now I think with all the crap mobos, and me not wanting to rid my be6, i figure the athlon is scratched too. Now that leaves me with p3-450 and p3-500. I see aobut a 40-50 dollar difference online.. Anyhow most people tell me to overclock the 450 to 600.. the fsb would affect my g400 i assume? im not sure but can someone recommend something.. since i hav e jumperless board i guess id ont mind overclocking as long as everything works.

  • #2
    P3 450 all the way. You will most likely get it to overclock as high, or higher than the 500 anyhow.

    Somebody give me a cheeseburger!!!


    • #3
      if u have money than athlon 500+

      Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head - English
      Resolution 800*600
      Color Depth 16-bit Color
      Frame Buffer Triple buffering
      Refresh Rate VSync Off
      CPU Optimization AMD 3DNow!(tm)
      3DMark Result 5420.49 3DMarks
      Synthetic CPU 3D Speed 9142.76 CPU 3DMarks
      Rasterizer Score 2206.33 3DRasterMarks
      Game 1 - Race 63.58 FPS
      Game 2 - First Person 47.24 FPS
      Processor Type AMD-K7(tm) Processor
      Processor Speed 500 MHz
      Physical Memory 128 MB

      Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head - English
      Resolution 800*600
      Color Depth 16-bit Color
      Frame Buffer Triple buffering
      Refresh Rate VSync Off
      CPU Optimization AMD 3DNow!(tm)
      3DMark Result 5420.49 3DMarks
      Synthetic CPU 3D Speed 9142.76 CPU 3DMarks
      Rasterizer Score 2206.33 3DRasterMarks
      Game 1 - Race 63.58 FPS
      Game 2 - First Person 47.24 FPS
      Processor Type AMD-K7(tm) Processor
      Processor Speed 500 MHz
      Physical Memory 128 MB


      • #4

        P3-500 at a little over $200 is a good deal and you can o/c it to 560/112 fsb easily.

        Wishing for snow, want to go skiing so bad its killing me.


        • #5
          There's a bunch of P3 450 SL37C's flying around using a P3 600 core and cache. These can easily do 600 (133x4.5) at 2.0V.

          I'm using one right now.
          P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


          • #6
            It's too late to ask. Since you already have a motherbord for PIII/Celeron, you gave up the best solution, which appears to be Athlon.


            • #7
              You have an Abit motherboard?


              Um, yeah, that's a real motherboard. Sure... and Matrox cards work SWELL with it.

              Seriously, if you're looking for something to last, go Athlon 600 or 650 and get a new motherboard. If you're looking for best bang for the buck, go PIII-450 and OC it. Mine made it to 540 rock solid, no problems. Mine was also one of the first off the line (March). I've got DIMMs rated to 125Mhz operation, and I'm running them at 120Mhz, CAS2 latency.

              The motherboard - burn it. Go get a Soyo 6BA+ rev III or IV, or an Asus P2B-F or P3B. I haven't seen a stellar review of an Abit board in ages - I don't see why people buy them. Yeah, they gots all dem overclokin doohickies and wiz-bang whatchamacallits, but stability? No.

              Just my $0.02

              Primary System: PIII-540 (450@4.5x120), Soyo 6BA+ III, 2x128MB PC100 ECC SDRAM CAS2, G400 MAX in multi-monitor mode. V2 SLI rig. Two Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u monitors, 3Com 3C905, SoundBlaster Live!, DeskTop Theater DTT2500 DIGITAL Speaker System (Sweeeeeet!), WD AC41800 18GB HD, WD AC310100 10GB HD, Toshiba SD-M1212 6x DVD-ROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, Epson Stylus Pro, OptiUPS PowerES 650, MS SideWinder Precision Pro USB joystick, Logitech 3-button mouse, Mitsumi keyboard, Win98 SE, Belkin OmniCube 4-port KVM, 10/100 5-port Linksys Ethernet switch (30~40MB/min under Win98SE)

              Secondary System: PII-266, Asus P2B BIOS 1008, 1x128MB PC100 ECC SDRAM CAS2, Millennium II, 3Com 3C590, ADSL Modem 640kbit down/90kbit up, 3Com 3C509, Mylex BT-930 SCSI card, Seagate 2GB Hawk, NEC 6x CD-ROM, Linux distro S.u.S.E. 6.1 (IP Masquerade works!), Sharp JX-9400 LJ-II compatible

              Tertiary System: DFI G568IPC Intel 430HX chipset, P200MMX, 4x64MB EDO Parity RAM, Millennium II, Intel Pro/100+ client NIC, SoundBlaster 16 MCD, Fujitsu 3.5GB HD, WD 1.2GB HD, Creative Dxr3 DVD decoder card, Hitachi GD-2500 6x DVD-ROM, Win98 SE

              All specs subject to change.

              The pessimist says: "The glass is half empty."
              The optimist says: "The glass is half full."
              The engineer says: "I put half of my water in a redundant glass."


              • #8
                I bought a P3-450 in anticipation of my future G400 Max. Now a the OEM vanilla G400 running very good in combination with that P3-450, on my Asus P2B board.

                But isn't the P3-450 defunct by now, as in **not being made nomore by Intel** ??

                You'd want a P3-500 at least then

                Jorden's Euro 0.02


                • #9
                  Nah, there's loads of 450's still going around. The Great Satan of processors has stopped making them, but all that means is that they'll get cheaper.
                  You could go for a PIII version of the celeron if they're available yet.


                  PS: Some or all of the above message may be wrong, or, just as likely, correct. Depends on what mood I'm in. And what you know. ;¬)


                  • #10
                    IceStorm: Why so much hate about Abit motherboards? I will tell you just one thing: If you are running your PIII at 120 fsb, maybe at 2.1+ vcore, you may thank Abit. Abit are fine boards, I have one myself, and I´m very pleased with it.

                    I haven't seen a stellar review of an Abit board in ages
                    Oh, no? I did. Almost all of them.

                    Oh well, just my opinion.


                    • #11
                      P-iii 450 or 500 are both awsom for o/c'ing and the Abit is VERY stable at high fsb!

                      PIII-500mhz @ 620! with an Abit BE6 mobo
                      128mb pc-100
                      Mill G400(YAHOO!!!) 32mb @ 165/205 with MGATweak), PD 5.30 & bios 1.5-22
                      Maxtor 13.2 gb Uata66 hdd
                      SB Live!
                      Winblows 98se & DX7
                      FOUR BIG FANS, six little ones and with a little aluminum duct work, a case that doesn't sound like a turbine engine!
                      3DMark Result 5954.69 3DMarks
                      Synthetic CPU 3D Speed 9325.69 CPU 3DMarks
                      Rasterizer Score 2791.72 3DRasterMarks
                      Game 1 - Race 65.07 FPS
                      Game 2 - First Person 54.89 FPS
                      Fill Rate 268.79 MTexels/s

                      System 1:
                      AMD 1.4 AYJHA-Y factory unlocked @ 1656 with Thermalright SK6 and 7k Delta fan
                      Epox 8K7A
                      2x256mb Micron pc-2100 DDR
                      an AGP port all warmed up and ready to be stuffed full of Parhelia II+
                      SBLIVE 5.1
                      Maxtor 40g 7,200 @ ATA-100
                      IBM 40GB 7,200 @ ATA-100
                      Pinnacle DV Plus firewire
                      3Com Hardware Modem
                      Teac 20/10/40 burner
                      Antec 350w power supply in a Colorcase 303usb Stainless

                      New system: Under development


                      • #12
                        Ditto on the Abit... I have a BH6 that my Max is enjoying alot!

                        But not as much as this...

                        System: Win98 + SP1, DX7; K7 500 @ 650; Modified Coolmaster
                        K7 heatsink/fan; MSI MS-6167, bios 1.3, AGP drivers 4.45 and IDE driver
                        4.45; Matrox G400 Max DH, bios 1.5-22, PD 5.3 & TurboGL, Cornerstone 50/95 21" monitor, 128 regular
                        PC100 sdram cas3 set to cas2; TB Quadzilla sound, latest Aureal driver
                        2.25; Promise FastTrack raid controller, bios 1.6; Twin IBM DTTA-171440
                        14.4 gb GXP series HD's, Linksys 10/100 pci nic, 3.5 floppy, Asus
                        CD-S400 cdrom, Imation IMW040420IA 4x4x20 CD-R/RW, bios 1.3; InWin Q500
                        full tower case w/ a 300w supply.

                        3Dmark 99 Max 800x600 16bit triple buffered
                        6480 3Dmarks
                        10998 CPUmarks
                        2meg texture rendering speed = 520.5 (640x480 16bit, triple buffer)

                        Q3 compkill.dm3 1024x768 All settings set to MAX except for color
                        depth 16 bit and texture filter set to bilinear.
                        26.3 fps

                        Q3demo1.dm3 all setting to highest except, 16 bit color depth, set to bilinear and sky set low
                        1600x1200 = 21.5
                        1280x960 = 31.2
                        1024x768 = 48.1
                        800x600 = 74.6
                        640x480 = 89.2
                        Fastest = 111.4!

                        Q2demo1.dm2 + 3Dnow drivers all settings highest.
                        1024x768 = 82.1 fps
                        1280x960 = 53.4 fps
                        1600x1200 = 34.1 fps

                        Sandra 99 Pro
                        2154 Mips
                        840 mflops

                        Drives benchmark
                        Raid array
                        Drive index = 15669

                        Greebe... who's really smile'n lately

                        "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                        "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                        • #13
                          I have to agree partly with Icestorm...
                          If you want stability and less problems (AGP Voltage) you're better off not getting an Abit Motherboard, unless you simply must have voltage control.
                          I'd rather have AGP 2x though, and a stable system. Asus rules!
                          Co-Webmaster of The Matrox Sphere
                          Enter The Sphere:

                          Athlon 700, 256Mb 7ns CAS2 RAM, MSI K7-Pro, 10.8Gb Maxtor Diamondmax UDMA, SBLive! 1024 Player + Soundworks FPS1000, Iomega ATAPI Zip drive, Pioneer slot-in 36x SCSI CD-ROM drive, Yamaha CDRW4001t 4xWriter, 56k external modem, Winbond PCI NIC/Etherlink III ISA NIC, {bold}G400 DualHead 32Mb[/bold], Iiyama Vision Master Pro450 19' Diamondtron NF


                          • #14
                            I have an ABit BH6 that has had ZERO problems, and I run the piss out of it. I have also built numerous ABit systems and have had ZERO problems with them as well. I have had AGP 2X from day one, no stability issues, it overclocks very well and is stable while overclocking. Maybe all of these "horror" stories may be due to the fact that ABit has had the best selling consumer BX boards out of all the MFRs. (excluding Intel). So many boards, that many more chances of problems.


                            Somebody give me a cheeseburger!!!


                            • #15
                              Abit bh6 rev 1.1 with p3 500@590 2.3v with the standard intel fan. Never gets hotter then 40° celsius and running rock stable.

                              I had problems in the beginning till I reseated the g400. So running AGP 2x is no problem any more.

