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Someone from Matrox please help...

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  • #61
    Well, I tried, if you can't answer you can't answer.


    • #62
      Hi Kai,
      I had the same problem with Windows 98 SE.

      1. Do you have a VIA MVP3 chipset motherboard? try resetting the options, it worked for me ;-)

      2. If you have a Intel chipset motherboard make sure that video shadowing/cacheing is off, and a few other fixes that can be found by looking at back posts, why don't people post some there fixes?)

      3. Make sure that the matrox card is not sharing memory with anything else.

      IRQ does not sound to be the problem here, as I had the exact same problem, BUT the card is also not the problem!


      P.S. This was edited because I did not release that this thread went on for two pages, and some of what I had to say was no longer applicable.

      [This message has been edited by Elvon (edited 21 October 1999).]


      • #63
        First, sorry Kruzin if I offended you but did you have to resort to cussing? I was just trying to make an analogy that's all. As for the AGP 1x/2x thing, I don't really care anymore. I'm stuck with this card and I'll just have to live with it. Thanks to everyone who has chipped in with the info, I'm very greatful to you guys. As for the person who told me to get a name-brand BX mobo, does ASUS ring a bell? BX-F in fact. So far it's working and once the Geforce comes out I'm getting one of those. This will probably my last post here anyhow. I probably won't purchase another Matrox card in my lifetime nor will I recommend one to my customers ever. I'm sure everyone has had a bad experience, and this has been mine. Oh yeah, I disabled my SB16 emulation. No need for it. I really don't think it's my SB Live that's causing the problem. Sometimes I think people tell me to do things that aren't necessary and you end up doing more that you have to. Thanks for the tip anyways.


        [This message has been edited by Madman (edited 22 October 1999).]


        • #64
          Well, Good luck with the GeSpot, and lots of luck to nVidia's tech support

          Asus motherboard, eh??? BX-F???? I have never heard it, and cannot seem to find it anywhere. Maybe you're a bit confused.



          • #65
            You know what I mean wisenheimer. P2B-F. There you happy now? Sheesh.

            [This message has been edited by Madman (edited 22 October 1999).]


            • #66
              Wise guy, no. BX-F is an actual motherboard, but not made by Asus. That is the reason I asked. So, you were confused, not me. I just read what you wrote, that is all. Have you flashed your BIOS on your motherboard? What bios are you using?



              • #67
                Yeah ok Mat? You shoulda known

                BX-F and P2B-F sound pretty close to me

                Bios for what? BX-F or P2B-F? Would the same bios file work for both?


                [This message has been edited by SwAmPlAdY (edited 22 October 1999).]


                • #68

                  Actually, I did flash my bios early this week to version 1010. It still didn't work, however, with the AGP 2x. It's okay though, as I've already said that I've givin up. Thanks though.



                  • #69

                    Look, we've tried to help you. Really we have. We've told you the solution to your problems, but you won't try it because you don't believe us.

                    What makes you think the GeSpot will be any better? It has beta drivers, and an unknown number of hardware incompatibilities!

                    I was the one who told you to get a brand-name motherboard. And since you never once told us what chip or chipset you were running, nevermind the brand of mobo, I felt justified in that advice. The ASUS boards are pretty stable, but are certainly not particularly tweakable.

                    You have repeatedly said you don't think the problem can be your SB Live!, but you are wrong. Scroll back through the threads here and see the number of people whose SB Live! causes conflicts. And yes, I _know_ you took the cards out and tried just the G400 (you claim to have, anyway). But once you get the IRQ's assigned all wrong it can be really difficult to convince the mobo to change them.

                    So fine, don't fix the problem, and go buy an nVidia card. *shrug* We can't help people who don't want to be helped.

                    - Ash

                    G. U. R. M. It's not hard to spell, is it? Then don't screw it up!
                    The word "Gurm" is in no way Copyright 1999 Jorden van der Elst.
                    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                    I'm the least you could do
                    If only life were as easy as you
                    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                    If only life were as easy as you
                    I would still get screwed

