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Vote here for the Messiest Desk Contest

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  • Vote here for the Messiest Desk Contest

    Cast your vote here for the Messiest Desk.

    My choice for the Master of Organized Chaos is: JSB

    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"

  • #2
    Just So Bloody messy.



    • #3
      I suppose that, of the people who sent pictures, jsb wins hands down. Mainly because he actually has deskspace to pile junk on. Most everyone else just has this short little table with barely room for their keyboard and monitor. The next contest should be messiest ROOM. (maybe I'll have my scanner by then )

      Kind Regards,



      • #4
        I'm torn... jsb's desk is definitely messier in terms of papers and whatnot... but cjolley's d*mn cinnamon roll has got to count for something, here...

        I think I've gotta vote for Chuck.

        Holly, who will win 'Messiest Room', btw... you have no idea (and you'll wish it had stayed that way, when I'm done with ya...)

        "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
        -Jay Bulworth


        • #5
          heh.. may the messiest room win, Holly!

          Kind Regards,



          • #6
            I vote for JSB! What a mess.....

            Too bad that I don't have a digital camara or scanner......I have rocksolid confidence that I could win the contest, hehe......not only a huge desk with piles of papers, books, CD the entire room which is even worse than my desk..........

            I think I got a good excuse not to clean it up next time when my mom yells at me....HA

            With yellow ribbons stuffing my room, I am still waiting for the gentle man in brown uniform bring me my MAX....
            I want the T&L in my G400!


            • #7
              I gotta go with jsb. There may even be a cinnamon roll buried in there, but we wouldn't be able to find it.

              Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


              • #8
                Definitely JSB. (i don't think i'll be cleaning MY room for a LONG LONG time after seeing JSB's masterpiece!)
                P60-120Thz, 256Tb ram, 27.5Pb 225000 RPM HD, 142" .001 dot pitch monitor @ 30720x23040x64, Matrox G24000 w/512Gb, SB UltraLive2, DX120 beta, Win2112 SP4. Hey -- beta testers have their advantages...


                • #9
                  Dorene and I vote for jsb.

                  You win. Hands down.

                  Thank god I have Dorene nagging at me (<u>after</u> she cleans my messy desk).

                  JamesA who BOLDs a LOT
                  System Details

                  &quot;Have you had any licorice lately?&quot;
                  <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


                  • #10
                    I vote for cjolley. The plant on his table made a difference.


                    • #11

                      Pronunciation: (mes), [key]

                      1. a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
                      2. a person or thing that is dirty, untidy, or disordered.
                      3. a state of embarrassing confusion: My affairs are in a mess.
                      4. an unpleasant or difficult situation: She got into a mess driving without a license.
                      5. a dirty or untidy mass, litter, or jumble: a mess of papers.
                      6. a group regularly taking their meals together.
                      7. the meal so taken.
                      [b]8.[/] See mess hall.
                      9. Naval. messroom.
                      10. a quantity of food sufficient for a dish or a single occasion: to pick a mess of sweet corn for dinner.
                      11. a sloppy or unappetizing preparation of food.
                      12. a dish or quantity of soft or liquid food: to cook up a nice mess of pottage.
                      13. a person whose life or affairs are in a state of confusion, esp. a person with a confused or disorganized moral or psychological outlook.

                      Geez, jsb wins the mess of papers but he is lacking in foodstuffs. Holly seems to have the most food remnants. cjolly has the most unappetizing looking food morsal. LuckyG has biggest mess of wires. To bad Paradox is missing his soda.

                      I'd like to see a picture of the inside of that beer fridge under jsb's desk before I submit my vote ]

                      Al out
                      Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


                      • #12
                        Sorry, DirtFarmer... those weren't food <u>remnants</u>... I was in the middle of lunch prior to running out the door when I realized I'd better boot up the webcam... I admit, however, that that is where food remnants would commonly sit, when they exist, which is not so often as say, wrappers, empty drink bottles and small, used plates...


                        [This message has been edited by motub (edited 22 October 1999).]

                        "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
                        -Jay Bulworth


                        • #13
                          Thought Hunsow said so allready that jsb was the winner??

                          Next time not only messiest room, but messiest description of your room/hous/neighborhood???

                          Ze poins:

                          fourtz plaze: Holly, for using up all that deskspace (3ftx2ft) with that!
                          zird plaze: Ant
                          zecon plaze: Helvetia (still wonder where his keyboard is...)
                          firzt plaze: JSB

                          So now we're starting to look for another thing to say to Pauly. Can't bother him with his messiest desk nomore...



                          • #14
                            Sorry Holly, thought those were remnants. What about the wrappers on the right side of your monitor... could there be any food remnants lurking in those.

                            I declare, Jordan declares that Hunsow declared that jsb has been declared a winner.

                            A disappointing voter turnout, but understandable, since the winner seems to have been chosen by acclamation. ALPBM, what ever happened to Democracy... ):

                            Al out

                            Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


                            • #15
                              DirtFarmer: yeah, probably some crumbs of remnants in the wrappers ..

                              and I agree, was Hunsow the sole judge and arbiter all along? then what are we voting for? (Thanks ever so, Jord... declaring us all irrelevant that way...)

                              And is there any prize, other than the laughter and derision of one's fellow MURC-ers???



                              "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
                              -Jay Bulworth

