Just wanted to introduce myself as JB Matrox Tech to everyone. Haig asked me to join in and see if I could help out, if possible. I am a Matrox Tech and have been there for a good amount of time. You should see the swimming Pool. Just wanted to say Hi and that there's a new kid in town!
No announcement yet.
Hi All Haig asked me to join
Hey since you are here, tell me how come my G400 always crashes? And no I am not willing to assign it an IRQ! I´ve got too few to spend one with a video card! Yes, you hear me? You... I DEMAND A RMA! NOW!
Now for serious, be welcome. We sure need people like you around and it´s great to see how Matrox people are supporting us. Keep up the good work!
A big thumbs up to you and to Haig!
Welcome aboard.
Your help will be appreciated by most but there are a few every now and then that you will just have to learn to take with a grian of salt.
Joel(One of the beta boyz.)
Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.
System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
OS: Windows XP Pro.
Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.
Hi, J.B., good to meet you!!
As a real, official Employee of M, you probably have seen that you'll take a bit more heat than we hobbyists... (do they sell asbestos suits at the company store? At an employee discount, maybe? Could you slip us a few...? our asbestos suit fab was destroyed in 'Quake tylau'...}
But you may also have seen, if you've been lurking, that we have a lot of fun here, too... and I hope you enjoy seeing the devotion and loyalty we users have for the products your company produces. Seeing that real-world impact makes the offline part of your job a bit brighter, I always think....
Welcome in!
"All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
-Jay Bulworth
Hi J.B.
So, what's your favorite w(h)ine. We have a particularly large selection at Cafe MURC. Amongst my favorites are:
"Haaaaaaaaiig! Why isn't Matrox supporting Windows 2000?"
"Haaaaaaaaiig! Why am I getting lockups in Quaaaaake?" [Note: no system specs are posted, although the w(h)iner has an Abit motherboard with a G400 improperly seated in the AGP slot and a Soundblaster Live using the drivers that shipped with the board. In addition, the G400 will be sharing IRQ 5 with his/her NIC, the Soundblaster Live, and an Adaptec 2940-series SCSI card.]
You'll note the subtle aroma and rich body of both w(h)ines, and we do hope you enjoy them. You may be drinking a lot from this cup in the very near future.
In all seriousness, welcome aboard!
Welcome to the force son.Glad to see Matrox actually supports their customers this well. ATI, S3, and Nvidia could take a lesson from you guys. Feel free to drop any hints regarding Matrox's response to the GeForce / Napalm / other next generation garbage that I won't touch until I see what YOU cats have in your litterbox.
The Rock
Home Machine: P2 350 + 128 Meg PC100 RAM + 23G Storage
Work Machine: IBM OS/390 + 10Gigs RAM + 1.5 Terabytes Storage (and no damn AGP slot...what a waste)Bart
Hi J.B. and Welcome
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Amd K6-2 350@452,Fic 503+1.2a,64mb pc100 Mushkin Samsung GH cas2,G200 8mb Sgram,Maxtor 8.4gb,Yamaha Sound
Amd K6-2 350@452,Fic 503+1.2a,64mb pc100 Mushkin Samsung GH cas2,G200 8mb Sgram,Maxtor 8.4gb,Yamaha Sound