Hmm... the Giga-Byte mobo came with the system, which is some cheap CTX piece o' crap. It's technicaly not my system, although the G200 and the SBPCI64 are both mine. We bought the EDO because we were too cheap at the time to replace both of the SDRAM sticks, and I didn't know any better. I'll give disabling APG a try, and see what happens.
No announcement yet.
My G200 dosn't seem to like my sound card.
Sorry....the Reg Hacks I used before were for the 4.xx series of PowerDesk releases...not sure how to go about doing it in 5.xx PwrDsk, usually would be worded "Use AGP=0" or something to that effect. Bottom line are never going to get that system running worth a sh&% with that MoBoard...bite the bullet and spend $80 on a Epox board. The removal of frustration and the time you will save screwing with that SIS board will be worth it in the long run. Plus the Epox board will let you run the AMD chip at 3*100, and also let you set the memory speed to 66Mhz, since you don't have PC100 SDRAM.
I dont get 2x anymore and 5.x hacks definitely corrupt video upon w98 desktop
k6-3 450 - tyan 1590s bios 1.16 - wdac310100 - g200 mill sgram w/8mb upgrade & bios 2.6-20 PD 4.51 (all software disabled)- 128MB 10ns sdram - sblive value 2.1 - 3com 3c905b-tx - cable access (28.8k for emergencies) - win98 service pack 1 + 2
abit kt7-raid athlon 1ghz quantum 20.4gb - 7200 + wd 200bb - 7200 rpm UDMA100-
g400 max-
256MB pc133 sdram - sblive value 3.0 - 4 Boston Acoustics A40's - 3com 3c905b-tx - cable access - winME
dx7.?- V3 steering wheel/pedals - MS sidewinder PRO
Kensiko (Netpointe) scrolling mouse