The G400 Max is really creme de la creme with performances and features. I mean I had a TNT card, but the G400 really rocks. I had two matrox cards before (Millenium (1) and the Mystique), never complained about them. Matrox really put some time in their cards to pump it full of neat features like DH and hardware supported Enviromental Bumpmapping. Nvidia should stop stealing other peoples features. Besides the TNT(2) has really some shitty gamma and brightness problems, meaning on my old Voodoo 2 card I had a much clearer picture. If I set the brightness as high as possible I receive the same result as on a Voodoo 2 (and Matrox G400(max) on it's lowest. Plus Matrox has the great Powerdesk feature and also the best customer service in the field. Go Matrox, go Matrox
Celeron 366 Mhz
160 MB RAM
G400 MAX DH 32 Meg
Win98SE/Linux/NT4 workstation
13 GB IBM harddrive
4,3 GB Quantum Fireball SE harddrive
Toshiba 36X IDE cdrom
Creative Encore DVD 2x
Teac 6/24x cd-r SCSI-2
NCR810 SCSI-2 card
17" CTX monitor
Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS&TQS
56K modem
Logitech Mouseman +
Celeron 366 Mhz
160 MB RAM
G400 MAX DH 32 Meg
Win98SE/Linux/NT4 workstation
13 GB IBM harddrive
4,3 GB Quantum Fireball SE harddrive
Toshiba 36X IDE cdrom
Creative Encore DVD 2x
Teac 6/24x cd-r SCSI-2
NCR810 SCSI-2 card
17" CTX monitor
Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS&TQS
56K modem
Logitech Mouseman +