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G400MAX + ASUS P2B-F + Win98 = TROUBLE!

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  • #16
    Do you have windows managing your swapfile???

    To resolve the shutdown problem, try to disable fast shutdown.



    • #17
      Windows is not managing my swap file.

      I want my swap on a specific drive partition, so I've manually defined my swap accordingly (drive E, Min 0, Max 400).

      I have tried the Disable Fast Shutdown, but no difference.


      • #18
        Try letting windows manage it and see if you can open your games, I have seen this happen before.



        • #19
          Still no luck with Windows managing the swap file.


          • #20

            Think I fixed the shutdown problem. Uninstalled Norton Anti-Virus, and that now seems OK.

            Got the TechDemo to run at 800x600 by turning off the menu start in the cfg file. Can't get anything above 800x600 though... 1024x768 crashes after about 80% load, 1280x1024 after about 40%, and 1600x1200 after about 15%.

            Expendable still won't run at all... still DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY for anything above 640x480, and blank screen back to windows for anything under.

            Is there any way to test the memory on the G400MAX card?

            Also, has anyone tried the (33MB) downloadable version of the TechDemo from Matrox's site? Does anyone know if it's exactly the same as the one on the bundled CD, or does it have any changes/fixes incorporated?

            [This message has been edited by dwood (edited 24 October 1999).]


            • #21
              What is your AGP aperture set to in your BIOS? It should be 128 or 256. I have mine set to 256, even though I only have 128MB of RAM.



              • #22
                Try the followings...

                Confirm if your jump-setting of AGP:CPU ratio is 2:3.

                PNP OS installed:NO

                SDRAM CAS Latency : 3

                Remove your G400 from MB. Use a rubber to clean the gold-pins of G400 (Be careful of static). Then put it back.

                Finally, all are still not work...
                Put your G400 into another Mother Board...
                Maybe you should do a RMA...

                [This message has been edited by WayneHu (edited 24 October 1999).]
                P4-2.8C, IC7-G, G550


                • #23
                  I've tried everything from 32MB to 256MB; no change.

                  Currently set to 128MB.

                  Also, just noticed a strange thing in DirectX Diagnostic Tool (DirectX 7).

                  On the 'Display' tab, it reports AGP Support as 'Not Available'. Is this normal?

                  [This message has been edited by dwood (edited 24 October 1999).]


                  • #24

                    Someone suggested that you try scaling back your overclocking, but there was no confirmation that you tried that.

                    Overclocking should be the first suspect, not the last. It can be as stable as a car whose tires leave the ground momentarily. If you over do it, things will crash. Just remember the Pirelli tire saying: "Power is nothing without control".


                    • #25
                      O/C was one of the first things I looked at (See post # 4 above). I've tried dropping all the way back to the 'rated' 300MHz (66MHz * 4.5), still no luck.


                      • #26

                        On which head of the G400 do you suggest putting the rubber on???

                        Coulnd't help it...


                        • #27

                          Thanks for the NAV patch info... Guess that'll be better than running without NAV!

                          General update for everyone else....

                          Disabling NAV fixed the shutdown problem. Expendable STILL won't run at all, and TechDemo STILL won't run above 800x600.

                          On the plus side:

                          - I've tried some of the TechDemo's from this site, and all work fine (EMBM is nice...). Had those running at 1600x1200x32.

                          - Tomb Raider II demo runs great at up to 1600x1200.

                          - Downloaded the Wild Metal Country demo fro the Matrox site, and it too runs great up to 1600x1200. No EMBM support available yet (supposed to be forthcoming).

                          So, the card seems to be working OK on EVERYTHING (so far) EXCEPT for MATROX SUPPLIED software..... Guess I'll try experimenting to see if Expendable and the TechDemo are the only SOB's...

                          Still wondering if anyone knows if the downloadable (33MB) TechDemo at Matrox is the same as bundled on the CD, or if it may contain some bug fixes.

                          Thanks again to everyone who's helped so far! This is a GREAT forum!!!

                          P.S. Can anyone suggest another downloadable (preferably <20MB) game or other demo to put my G400MAX through it's paces? (i.e. 1600x1200x32 EMBM enabled, etc...)


                          • #28

                            I am sorry for my bad grammar. I meaned "Put your G400 back to the slot".

                            I always use the rubber to clean the connection gold-pins of adapters. The oxidized connector would result in bad contact between your adapter and slot. Moreover, it might produce some bad electronic signals...

                            If you don't like rubbers, you can use something else, like some kind of high-pressured anti-oxidized air...

                            [This message has been edited by WayneHu (edited 26 October 1999).]
                            P4-2.8C, IC7-G, G550


                            • #29
                              I don't mean to suggest that what you're proposing is not based on sound engineering principles. I just need a clarification.

                              When you say a rubber, do you mean a condom?

                              It sounds like a novel solution. A solution, I'm sure, that will give birth to a thousand puns.


                              [This message has been edited by paulcs (edited 26 October 1999).]

                              [This message has been edited by paulcs (edited 26 October 1999).]


                              • #30
                                If so then he must be using the non-lubricated condoms

                                "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"

