Well, first I'd like to say thanks to everyone who tried to help out with my Expendable and TechDemo problems... Sorry I haven't posted any updates sooner, but I've been out of town.
Here's the status. Expendable and TechDemo STILL won't run properly. Expendable gives DDERR_OUTOFMEMORYERROR at res >640x480, and returns blank screen then back to Windows at res <=640x480. TechDemo runs fine at 640x480, but crashes above that.
Have tried all of the following: latest drivers, latest vid bios, latest mb bios, directx 6 and 7, no background tasks, apertures 32, 64, 128, and 256, all vid shadowing off, bus mastering on and off, force AGP 1x, eliminate all CPU overclocking, change slot for memory, and so on, and so on, etc....
I have concluded (correctly, I hope), that the problems are SPECIFIC to the TechDemo and Expendable, since all other programs I have tried (other tech demos, Tomb Raider II demo, Wild Metal Country demo, Tomb Raider 4 demo) seem to run fine all the way up to 1600x1200x32 (my monitor's max res.) with all quality options at maximum.
Rage software seems to be stumped on the Expendable problem, and I'm waiting for a response from Matrox Tech Support.
As a reminder, system is ASUS P2B-F (BIOS rev 1011), Celeron 300A@464 (and 300), 128MB PC-100 RAM, Matrox G400MAX (retail), SB AWE-32 (ISA), IDE HDD, IDE CD-ROM, IDE CD-Writer, USB scanner, Windows 98, no IRQ conflicts, no IRQ sharing, and no 'phantom' hardware devices in safe mode.
So that's where I am... Matrox software doesn't work, everything else (so far) does.
If anyone has any more suggestions, or best of all a real fix
, please let me know.
Here's the status. Expendable and TechDemo STILL won't run properly. Expendable gives DDERR_OUTOFMEMORYERROR at res >640x480, and returns blank screen then back to Windows at res <=640x480. TechDemo runs fine at 640x480, but crashes above that.
Have tried all of the following: latest drivers, latest vid bios, latest mb bios, directx 6 and 7, no background tasks, apertures 32, 64, 128, and 256, all vid shadowing off, bus mastering on and off, force AGP 1x, eliminate all CPU overclocking, change slot for memory, and so on, and so on, etc....
I have concluded (correctly, I hope), that the problems are SPECIFIC to the TechDemo and Expendable, since all other programs I have tried (other tech demos, Tomb Raider II demo, Wild Metal Country demo, Tomb Raider 4 demo) seem to run fine all the way up to 1600x1200x32 (my monitor's max res.) with all quality options at maximum.
Rage software seems to be stumped on the Expendable problem, and I'm waiting for a response from Matrox Tech Support.
As a reminder, system is ASUS P2B-F (BIOS rev 1011), Celeron 300A@464 (and 300), 128MB PC-100 RAM, Matrox G400MAX (retail), SB AWE-32 (ISA), IDE HDD, IDE CD-ROM, IDE CD-Writer, USB scanner, Windows 98, no IRQ conflicts, no IRQ sharing, and no 'phantom' hardware devices in safe mode.
So that's where I am... Matrox software doesn't work, everything else (so far) does.
If anyone has any more suggestions, or best of all a real fix
