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G400 Max? How do I know?

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  • G400 Max? How do I know?

    I purchaced a OEM G400 max (I think) Is there a way to tell if it is a true max? Do they normally ship with fans? Mine has none. The sticker reads G4+MDHA32G. I have not put the card in yet as the mobo I have at the moment will not support a 256 aperature setting. It makes a lot of really NOT cool beeps though! Any info would be great!
    Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)

  • #2
    There is no such thing as an OEM MAX. MAX only comes in a retail box, with a fan.

    You have a "vanilla" G400 Millennium.
    Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


    • #3
      The G4+ thing means nothing I take it?
      Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)


      • #4
        Nope. If someone told you that was a MAX you were deceived. There´s no OEM Max. Max has a Aavid fan. You can see what board you have in display properties -> definitions -> advanced -> information. In "graphics chip" there should be "Matrox G400 Max" or something like that and the "Ramdac" should be "360 Mhz".

        I supose it is a dual-head (DH). At least did they give you the cable you need to output to TV?

        My Retail vannilla is a G+MDHA32GR (R-retail?) so...


        • #5
          My Max reads g4+mmdh... I'm guessing the second "m" is for MAX !


          • #6
            Damn! Now I have to put a hurting my local retailer! I will take your word on it. Actually he said if it turned out not to be a max he would gladly take it back and blame his distributor. I would check on the properties but I cant get the card to work yet due to this crappy mobo. And yes i did get the cable. I was wondering why they would put such a nice heatsink without a fan on a top of the line card.

            Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)


            • #7
              Wait wait wait... I ordered my "MAX" through the Matrox Online store. It came without a fan. You trying to tell me that ain't a MAX??? What is this whole "vanilla" thing? Under graphics hardware, it says my model is a Matrox MilleniumG400 MAX AGP 2X-4X
              but under graphics chip, it says Matrox G400... What's the deal? Someone explain to me please, thanks

              "Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that men never learn anything from history"
              -- George Bernard Shaw
              "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
              --- Albert Einstein

              "Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."


              • #8
                Muad'Dip. I don't now if Matrox sell a G400Max with out a fan. Download MGA tweack not for overclock your card but to see what frequence it gave to you. For the chip it can be that he say a G400 because the name of the chip is G400 for the max and the non max version.

                Sorry for my English.
                A G400 in a new G4 have wing's
                My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation

                I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
                (Corrected by Robert&Collins dictionary)
                Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel


                • #9
                  14wntr. I am 100% sure that you have the non-max version G4+MDHA32GR is the part number of the G400 DH non-max the max have the part number of G4+MMDHA32GR. Muad'dip i forget to say wach for your part number.

                  Sorry for my English.
                  A G400 in a new G4 have wing's
                  My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation

                  I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
                  (Corrected by Robert&Collins dictionary)
                  Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel


                  • #10
                    Oh sure, just when I am about to go lambaste the guy at the computer store, doubt sets in. I am getting motion!!! There thats better. I wish I could try the thing out, its like a really cool toy that is stuck in the wrapper! Its driving me insane!!

                    Thanks, 14wntr
                    Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)


                    • #11
                      A MAX without a fan is not a MAX. It will easily get too hot at 150/200.
                      P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4


                      • #12
                        Do they charge the extra money just for a fan or are the different chips?
                        Can I safely clock it up to "max" values and just add a fan?

                        Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)


                        • #13
                          The MAX also has 5ns memory chips, instead of 6ns. Most standard G400's have 6ns (some have 5ns, but that's because they were meant to be MAXes, but weren't good enough). Also, if you have a regular G400, it will not have the fan connectors to power the fan. You really ought to take it back.

                          Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                          • #14
                            Thank you Wombat I will, with blood in my eye!
                            Earth First!(We can mine the other planets later)


                            • #15
                              Wombat is right - take it back. Blood in eyes will do fine.

                              The G400 chips -only the chips- follow the same design, but some G400 chips are of better quality. When QA test results show that a chip can do better than 150/200 it will become part of a MAX and it will get matching components.

                              P3@600 | Abit BH6 V1.01 NV | 256MB PC133 | G400MAX (EU,AGP2X) | Quantum Atlas 10K | Hitachi CDR-8330 | Diamond FirePort 40 | 3c905B-TX | TB Montego A3D(1) | IntelliMouse Explorer | Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 17 | Win2K/NT4

