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Haig/BBoys, any known bugs info for next PD?

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  • #16
    Hi George,

    Any questions about our Divicorp can be directed to us. Just put my name in the post to catch my attention.

    We do have a new build in house for our Divicorp but don't know when it will get released.



    • #17
      Thanks for the reply Haig, I appreciate it. Do you want me to re-post the email I sent at all? Do you want me to post the fix I found directly to you too? (Although the fix is very unoficial and probably can't be applied to the masses easily)


      Abit BX6r2
      Pentium III 450
      128 SDRAM (non ECC)
      13GB WD HD
      SB Live Value liveware3
      EtherLink III NIC


      • #18
        Any changes on how PD deals with "optimal" refresh rates? Most drivers run the monitor at the highest refresh rate that both the card and monitor can handle. Why does Matrox stop at 85Mhz? I just got a Sony CPD-G500 and it's a very nice monitor. The problem was that to use any resolution above 1280x1024, I had to go into PD and enable then fix each resolution by changing the refresh rate of 60 to a higher one, manually through trial and error. And I used the monitor INF that Sony gave me with the monitor. Seems like there should be a better way. Maybe there's not...
        Asus P2B-DS, 2 x Pentium III 450 @ 504, 128MB CAS 2 SDRAM, Matrox G400
        MAX, Sony CPD-G500, Sony GDM-17SE2T, Sound Blaster Live MP3+, NetGear
        FA310TX 10/100 NIC, IBM 9ZLX 9GB 10,000 RPM LVD Drive, BusLogic 958
        Ultra Fast/Wide SCSI Controller, Pioneer DVD-303s 6X DVD-ROM, Toshiba
        6102B 32x CDROM, Yamaha 4260t CD Writer,
        Linux (Primary OS), Win98, and Win2K


        • #19
          Here's one specific: Is GLQuake/GLQuakeWorld dynamic lights (rainbow textures) fixed in next release of PD? It has been broken since PD4.51 ICDb2 (some people have been seeing it broken with ICDb1 too), and I personally have been whining about it after every PD release (with occasional emails in past to Matrox tech support).

          -Tumu, and I think it's about time..

          Celeron 333 (not overclocked), GigaByte 6BXE Intel 440BX AGPset (bios v3.4),
          64MB PC100 RAM, nVidia TNT2 32M (was G200 AGP 8MB SGRAM), SB Live! Value LW3.1, 3COM Fast EtherLink XL, Sony Multiscan 100ES, HP8210i
          Win98 finnish


          • #20

            How is it that you think that Matrox's D3D is not good???? It's VERY solid in DX and fast as well. OpenGL has not been forgotten, either.



            • #21
              Moving back from refine that and tweak this: will it work with my G200+VIA chip set ?

              That PD 5.30 doesn't work for me nor many folk here, might qualify for a "Real Booboo" sticker



              • #22
                Well, since some other twit mentioned it by way of blasting the G400's D3D and OpenGL, which both ROCK, I have a specific question. Has the TINY texture glitches in both Unreal and Unreal Tournament issue been looked at?

                The Rock
                "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed."
                -- Albert Einstein


                • #23
                  Those flashing textures are still there with the current build and are still looking into it.

                  George - You can either post the email here or just send it to and put my attention in the subject.



                  • #24
                    After reading all the posts in this thread I think all of quake II games have similiar problem and i happens most of the time when reflections of light bounce off an object or your laser gun shooting down a long corrider and the light it reflects off the wals create spots of flicker. This is very anoying and I stopped playing quake II because of it.

                    I use NT, so I don't know if this quake II problem happens under 98 or not. I just want to know if matrox is working on this or not for NT ?


                    • #25
                      With the driver release that shipped with my board there was a light show in Quake2 every time a weapon was shot. It was fixed, so I suspect they know what's causing it.



                      • #26
                        Yes. Matrox stated some time ago that they would be re-writing their drivers to fully support DX7. I don't know if those will be in the next release or not, since I don't know what the next version they plan to release will be. But it is being worked on...
                        Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s

