I decided to make custom monitor settings and so I had to convert to timings in their manual to pixels and when I came to 1024X768/100 hz i foud something...
they announce vertical Front Porch should be 0,367 ms (equals to ~30 pixels when other resolutions had showed ~1 pixel).I Did some calcolations and got 0,0367 to be right value (3 pix)... Tested my values and problems were gone... and then tested values their manual gave and got the problem back...
So if values in their PnP and .inf file setting are similar to those in manual ....
<IMG src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon6.gif" > .... And in the morning I got mail from Hyundai and they told me that I'm probaply mess things up my self ...<img src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon8.gif" > ..... So if someone else asks about similar problem ...
ps. Thanks Haig your offer to matrox make that .inf file, that was real customer service !!!<img src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon7.gif" >
they announce vertical Front Porch should be 0,367 ms (equals to ~30 pixels when other resolutions had showed ~1 pixel).I Did some calcolations and got 0,0367 to be right value (3 pix)... Tested my values and problems were gone... and then tested values their manual gave and got the problem back...
So if values in their PnP and .inf file setting are similar to those in manual ....
<IMG src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon6.gif" > .... And in the morning I got mail from Hyundai and they told me that I'm probaply mess things up my self ...<img src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon8.gif" > ..... So if someone else asks about similar problem ...
ps. Thanks Haig your offer to matrox make that .inf file, that was real customer service !!!<img src="http://forums.murc.ws/ubb/icons/icon7.gif" >