I'm running a p3-450@600 with 133FSB, AGP 89mhz.
When I play games and 3dbenchmarks the G400 randomly crashes.
I've done pure CPU-stability-tests and get ROCK STABLE, so it's not a CPU problem.
However I put my old G200 back in my computer and I am unable to get it to crash in games and 3dbenchmarking.
Have I gotten a bad g400 or is the g200 generally more stable?
I'm running at IRQ9 no sharing. I have also tried setting the agp from 4-256mb.
I'm running a p3-450@600 with 133FSB, AGP 89mhz.
When I play games and 3dbenchmarks the G400 randomly crashes.
I've done pure CPU-stability-tests and get ROCK STABLE, so it's not a CPU problem.
However I put my old G200 back in my computer and I am unable to get it to crash in games and 3dbenchmarking.
Have I gotten a bad g400 or is the g200 generally more stable?
I'm running at IRQ9 no sharing. I have also tried setting the agp from 4-256mb.