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TV out cable for OEM G400 DH?

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  • TV out cable for OEM G400 DH?

    I got an OEM Millenium G400 32Mb dual-head with my new system.
    According to the manual, there is supposed to be a Y-cable that goes
    from the VGA port to composite video and S-video (or something). My
    problem is, I didn't get this cable.

    My vendor (Microtech in Portland OR USA, in case anyone cares), says
    the OEM package doesn't include this cable. I called them a couple
    times to make sure. But, I've read some user posts here that this
    cable is supposed to come with the OEM package.

    So, I sent mail to Matrox ( a couple weeks
    ago, asking them what's right and/or how to get the cable (no mention
    at the online store). I sent a second message last week, but so far,
    no response.

    So: any ideas? I'm a bit annoyed that it's missing this part and I
    think it should have been included, but the main thing is, I just want
    the cable!


  • #2
    I just got my 32 MB Dual Head OEM the other day and it came with this cable. You should really bug your vendor and maybe email the BB or somthing if they refuse to give it to you. It IS part of the actual OEM hardware so you should have by all means received it.


    • #3
      Not sure what the BB is. You mean the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

      At any rate, I've already told my vendor that I heard that it was
      supposed to come with the cable. They just say that no, it doesn't.
      My telling them I heard they're wrong isn't too convincing. (And for
      all I know, maybe Matrox has more than one kind of OEM package.)

      Maybe you're right, and I need to pressure the vendor into checking
      with their distributor. I wish Matrox would respond to my email



      • #4
        When ever you purchase an OEM package you are at the liberty of that OEM distributor..

        I'm sure there are Bulk rate G400's that don't include the cable... Personally I'd chalk it upto not asking the right Q's at time of purchase and buy the cable from Matrox or the vender, might cost ya a few dollars (20-30 I've seen)...

        1.3 Taulatin @1600 - Watercooled, DangerDen waterblock, Enhiem 1046 pump, 8x6x2 HeaterCore Radiator - Asus TUSL2C - 256 MB Corsair PC150 - G400 DH 32b SGR - IBM 20Gb 75GXP HDD - InWin A500


        • #5
          Mine came mail order with the cable. I've also seen them at shows WITH the cable. Never seen them without.
          They aren't playing fair with you, but Stringy is right, you should have asked the question. How about returning at and buying from elsewhere?



          • #6
            The cable should have come with the board, its the only way you can get it. Go back to them and keep on at them until the get you one.


            • #7
              Don't bother emailing Matrox, you may be waiting forever - phone them instead, this works!

              Then bug your vendor every day until you get one. Ask to speak to a manager or head of customer services etc.


              • #8
                An article in this forum on 30 Oct by waxling discuses the pin outs of this cable but it looks like your out of luck because it seams the cables got some sort of dongel in it that needs to be in on startup (I'm going to verify this out for myself tonight).


                • #9
                  Dual Head bulk cards will come with the cable. It is up to your vendor to get one to you, not Matrox. i really don't think that bugging them will do you good. Hunt down your vendor until he gets you one, since all bulk cards i saw came with the cable and a cd.


                  • #10
                    Never mind bugging them, Tell them to give it to you or refund you your money and go elsewhere. If they won't and you used a credit card contact your credit card company. Report them to the BBB. The longer you wait the harder it will be to correct the problem. Lastly spread the word, nothing hurts a business more than bad publicity.

                    Mine came with a cable.

                    [This message has been edited by mynx (edited 03 November 1999).]
                    Mine: Epox EP-8KTA3, Matrox G400 32mb DH + RRG, Athlon 1.2/266, 256mb, WD 30gb ATA100, Pio 32x CDROM, Adaptec 2940U2W, WD 18.3GB 10k U2W, Yamaha CDRW4416, Pio DVD-303, Scsi Zip 100, Seagate 10/20 Gb tape, SBlive platinum, Linksys 10/100 nic, HP 712c printer, HP 6200 scanner, Linksys 4port cable router, Linksys 2port print server/switch
                    Hers: Epox EP-3VSA, G400 32mb SH, PIII 750, 256mb, WD 10gb, Pio 6x DVD, Zip 250, Diamond S90, Linksys 10/100 nic


                    • #11
                      This is kind of a delayed response (I was away for a week), but just
                      wanted to post that I got the cable from my vendor. I just went in
                      and finally managed to talk to someone who was helpful. The others
                      had simply already made up their minds that they knew the answer and
                      were not interested in changing it.

                      Thanks, everyone who responded. Also, thanks to Kruzin who actually
                      posted a picture of the cable back in July that I found through
                      searching! (See "What G400 TV-Out?") That's how I knew I got the
                      right one. (The helpful guy actually didn't know, as they didn't have
                      any cards in stock, and there was just this cable lying around....)


