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  • g400/win2000

    someone know when a driver for win2000 with powerdesk is gonna be out
    plz mail me,

  • #2
    Probally when WIN2K is offically released.

    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
    OS: Windows XP Pro.
    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


    • #3
      If we have Legit versions of Win2k do we get to try the drivers.

      I got Beta3, RC1, and RC2 of Pro, Server, and Advanced Server(no RC2 yet).

      And the CD Cases and Keys to prove it. No, wait RC1's came in sleeves. Meet in video conferencing and I'll show 'em to ya!

      If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

      Reach me on MS Messenger as
      PIII550, Intel SE440BX-2, 2 x 128 Kingston PC100 ECC, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah, G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, Pioneer 303s, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS

      PIII600EB, CC820, 256Megs, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah,G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS


      • #4
        Many of us have legal copies of Windows 2000. I am a computer engineer and a software developer and I get all the Microsoft beta stuff through the MSDN.
        I have been using Windows 2000 and developing under Windows 2000 for quite some time now. I sure would love to be able to do it with my second monitor on. I have contacted Matrox many times asking for the G400 driver and never got a single reply.

        The point is, not every one out there got his copy of Windows 2000 through Warez. Matrox definitely needs to improve their reletaions with developers.


        • #5
          I agree.

          Reach me on MS Messenger as
          PIII550, Intel SE440BX-2, 2 x 128 Kingston PC100 ECC, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah, G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, Pioneer 303s, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS

          PIII600EB, CC820, 256Megs, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah,G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS


          • #6

            You ever considered that people asking for decent beta drivers for Win2K might have legitimite reasons (as well as a - gasp - legitimate copy) and maybe you might be...

            wait for it...

            wait for it...


            If you're gonna defend Matrox's crappy alpha drivers and elitist testing procedures, at least say so, but don't assume everyone who would like to get some drivers without being one of the Matrox "chosen" are warez beggars.


            P.S. If Matrox has fast, solid, final drivers ready for Win2K as soon as it's released, I'll eat my words. I am willing to bet there's no way in hell that's gonna happen. More than likely, Matrox will release some functional, somewhat flakey drivers when Win2K is released, and it'll be another 2 months (or more) before truly final drivers are released.


            • #7
              This is what's strange to me. With the CPP program and an estimated 500,000 copies out here. This is a unique oppotunity to have A LOT of willing beta testers. That's why I think Win2k is doing so well in development. Every little bug gets exposed and remedied very quickly. Matrox can't release final drivers, I know. But you can release beta drivers. And don't come back like 3dfx did and say that you know of no one that has realeased beta drivers. Because you have, just not functional on a 3d basis.
              Can someone give me a reason why Matrox WOULDN'T want it drivers beta tested in real life, and real time? I just don't understand the reasoning.

              Reach me on MS Messenger as
              PIII550, Intel SE440BX-2, 2 x 128 Kingston PC100 ECC, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah, G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, Pioneer 303s, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS

              PIII600EB, CC820, 256Megs, 2940U2W, Seagate Cheetah,G400-32 SH, Plextor 8\20, Plextor 40Max, SBLive!, MS FFPro, Altec Lansing ACS-48, Sony CDP 520GS


              • #8
                Most of the W2k users I know are software developers and have legit copies. But really, how they acquired it is quite irrelevant, MS distributes evaluation versions of NT 4, W2k is time bombed in exactly the same way. MS gives out the betas at every conference they hold, with no requirement to register them. So they really have no interest in restricting their use.

                I wonder how many people defending Matrox's decision not to broadly test 3D accelerated W2k drivers really think Matrox has a chance of releasing fast, stable drivers when W2k goes gold? But of course they will again jump to Matrox's defence, "it's a brand new OS you know, give them a few months to sort it out, we have the beta's and they're looking hot".

                BTW, I read that nVidia released official D3D enabled drivers via Asus a couple of days ago.


                [This message has been edited by PaulS (edited 13 November 1999).]


                • #9
                  Why do people keep asking this? Do all the people whining for win2k drivers actually have a legitimate copy of win2k? No?

                  Then you're whining for...

                  wait for it...

                  wait for it...


                  Go whine for warez on IRC.

                  - Ash

                  Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.

                  This signature is not Copyright by anyone. Especially not some guy named Steve. Yeah. That's it. Please don't kill me, Holly.
                  The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                  I'm the least you could do
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I would still get screwed


                  • #10
                    Win2K driver when Win2K is released?

                    Please, give me a break.

                    If that happens, it will be a coincidence, not a plan.

                    Win2K should have been available about now, and Matrox doesn't even have a beta. (of the real product, not a 2D only subset)

                    Suppose Microsoft was on time, and Win2k was on the storeshelves now. Would Matrox driver be released? Hardly.

                    The business plan on releasing Win2K drivers consists of praying that Microsoft will screw up as much or more than Matrox driver team.

                    FYI: Nvidia released their drivers on Thursday.


                    • #11
                      Well, I don't give a shit about Matrox releasing decent drivers for Win2k. I got my second monitor working today. How you may ask? I installed another video card in the machine. It's a Voodoo3 2000. Pretty inexpensive card and it seems to be getting along with the G400 quite well.

                      Now, I would not mind getting the Win2k drivers for the G400 anyway; I have a 17 inch that would work great as a third display. One can never have enough desktop real state... :-)


                      • #12
                        Jhalada, in the past, I've found odd contradictions between what TNT2 W2K users say about nVidia's Windows 2000 support and what Matrox users say about nVidia's support for the OS.

                        NVidia users typically complain that they have to use hacked drivers with limited 3D support, or nVidia's NT drivers, with no D3D or Direct Draw support. Matrox users have, in this very forum, made claims about wonderful nVidia support or have left some key details out (e.g., the use of hacks or "leaked" drivers from unknown sources, nVidia's threats of lawsuits to webmasters posting leaks and hacks, major DirectX 7 problems, etc.).

                        I've recently built a dual processor W2K machine, and I've been swapping video boards and testing the various claims people have made about W2K support. (Ironically, I also use it to process SETI data for the Matrox Users team. That's all I do with it now.)

                        I have a TNT2 Ultra in it right now, but I haven't been able to find the drivers you refered to. NVidia's server appears to be down, and RivaZone, Riva 3D, and BetaOS make no mention of them. I checked the W2K videocard and hardware newsgroup and only found a single reference to new drivers, which nVidia recently made available to developers. Everyone seems to be using the 3.55 hack or the mysterious leaked "official" drivers that BetaOS posted and then removed a couple of weeks ago.

                        I'll keep trying to find them and report back, although if you're referring to those wacky 3.56 drivers (don't ask!) or a developers only release, I just don't think the negative comparison is warranted.



                        • #13
                          paulcs, try the asus website.



                          • #14
                            For nvidia Windows 200o drivers, go to:


                            • #15
                              Thanks. God, *real* 3.56 drivers. We'll give them a try.


