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Spontaneous Reboot / Reboot hang

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  • Spontaneous Reboot / Reboot hang

    Help, please, anyone!

    My system will spontaneously reboot. Even if I am not running any programs. Sometimes when I boot up, it freezes. At other times, during cold boot, I cannot even get to the Initial bootup screen where the computer beeps once, and then detects the HD and RAM.
    It just sits there, the HD spins up, and CD-rom spins up, but the monitor won't come on, and it just sits there. After a many tries of rebooting (shut down, then cold boot), If I'm lucky, it'll boot and run fine, for awhile.

    System as follows:
    Celeron 366A @ 550
    Abit BX6 r2 mobo
    64m pc100
    Matrox g400 MAX
    Diamond MX300 Sound
    Diamond Monster 3dII
    Cardinal V90 56k
    Quantum 7200 13.3 G
    pioneer dvd-113

    I've tried making sure my AGP is seated properly. Sometimes it seems that just touching, not even moving it 1/10 of a mm, will improve my chances of getting the initial boot, ie the ram check and the hd check, but then have to soft reboot many times to get windows to run.

    I've also made sure my agp is 2x. I have no periph in the first pci slot after the agp. My g400 sharing IRQ10 with pci steering.

    Can an imporperly seated AGP cause this?

    I have also recently replaced my ram with the 64m pc100. Can ram cause this? The ram runs fine on another machine. I get the same problem trying with different sticks of ram.

    Someone save me from this nightmare!

  • #2

    Uff, you tried many things and nothing, it really bugs me too. Your G400MAX has not IRQ conflict and you said AGP is seated properly
    (cleanup agp slot from dust when you before haven`t AGP card!!- reseat it).

    what are your BIOS settings ?

    set AGP/CLK divider 2/3
    disable all video and system shadowing.
    set AGP aperture size to min 64MB or 128MB.
    Assign IRQ to "VGA" AUTO
    initializate first AGP port.

    resources controlled by AUTO
    Force Updating ESCD: enabled

    in WinXX try forcing AGP1x (G400Tweak V .006
    ) utility or PCI list 1.31

    remove Diamond MX300 from PCi slot
    Try G400MAX at different PC.

    I hope this helps.



    • #3
      I recently had the same problem at work. It turned out to be a bad processor. Sometimes it would run for hours, then just reboot. Other times it wouldn't even load windows. For a while I thought I was going insane. On the slower system (underclocked) it was highly intermittant. At its rated speed it happened a lot more.
      Mine: Epox EP-8KTA3, Matrox G400 32mb DH + RRG, Athlon 1.2/266, 256mb, WD 30gb ATA100, Pio 32x CDROM, Adaptec 2940U2W, WD 18.3GB 10k U2W, Yamaha CDRW4416, Pio DVD-303, Scsi Zip 100, Seagate 10/20 Gb tape, SBlive platinum, Linksys 10/100 nic, HP 712c printer, HP 6200 scanner, Linksys 4port cable router, Linksys 2port print server/switch
      Hers: Epox EP-3VSA, G400 32mb SH, PIII 750, 256mb, WD 10gb, Pio 6x DVD, Zip 250, Diamond S90, Linksys 10/100 nic


      • #4
        Have you tried running your cpu at default?
        Sounds like the system may be rebelling at the higher clock speed.


        • #5
          Hey thanks guys.

          Thanks for the BIS tips: I have tried everything you said, except, my abit bx6 v2 doesn't seem to have clk/agp divider. I have the newest bios, am I just blind and can't see it?

          Last night I put my original ram back in (32 pc66, 32 pc100). And it hasn't spontaneously rebooted yet. and I'm also able to get past the initial bootup phase. I'm going to keep testing it for a few more nights before I can be sure it was the ram.

          But now I've run into another problem. The original problem which started even before the ram replacement.

          I originally used a USB mouse and USB to ethernet converter. One day the USB ports just stopped working, and so I plugged my mouse back into the PS2 slot. The USB still didn't work so I did a reformat, reinstall. Now that I've replced the ram, my second problem is I'll hang during windows init. I've checked the bootlog and the last thing it tried to load was p3a.mpd or something like that. I can't recall exactly. Sometimes after rebooting a few tries it will run fine for 5 min, and then my USB will just stop working. The drivers are new, and the device manager says my USB is working. This morning a second problem arose. My Miocrosoft phone, which is plugged into serial port stopped working too. Thats the serial ports, and the USB ones not working.

          I noted that during bootup I could see that the serials were assigned to IRQ11. But in the system info, in windows, it shows my 2 mon ports having thier own irq's. and the USB controller on IRQ11, there is also a IRQ holder for pci steering in there. I used to have my MX300 stuff running on IRQ11 too, but I removed the card, and the problems persist.

          Anymore help guys? I cna't believe it, just one problem after another!

          Thank in advance.=)


          • #6
            Hi jonng,

            The setting for your AGP divider is under CPU plug and play.

            For your other problems, what OS are you running?



            • #7
              I'm running Windows 98 SE

              Thanks I'll check to make sure the clock/agp is set properly.


              • #8
                I would format and reinstall windows. Test it a while, if this takes care of the problems, load the rest of your software.
                Mine: Epox EP-8KTA3, Matrox G400 32mb DH + RRG, Athlon 1.2/266, 256mb, WD 30gb ATA100, Pio 32x CDROM, Adaptec 2940U2W, WD 18.3GB 10k U2W, Yamaha CDRW4416, Pio DVD-303, Scsi Zip 100, Seagate 10/20 Gb tape, SBlive platinum, Linksys 10/100 nic, HP 712c printer, HP 6200 scanner, Linksys 4port cable router, Linksys 2port print server/switch
                Hers: Epox EP-3VSA, G400 32mb SH, PIII 750, 256mb, WD 10gb, Pio 6x DVD, Zip 250, Diamond S90, Linksys 10/100 nic


                • #9
                  Hey thanks for all the replies.

                  Right now seems all my problems have been fixed! So far... hoepfully this lasts

                  I downloaded this developers update for 440XX + 820 chipset. Solved all my resource conflicts, and USB problems and bootup hangups!

                  Sped up my box too!! you should try this

                  someone posted it at an ABIT newsgroup.

                  hope this lasts though, I will keep testing my system, I'll keep you guys posted.

