Just when I thought everything was going good. I donwed the pd5 reg hacks. when I force 2x bootup hangs! this sucks, I didn't buy a agp2x mobo, and agp2x graphics card to run agp1x!!!!!!!!!!!
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AGP1x = ok AGP2x=bootup hang WHY??????
Even if you could run in AGP2x, i don't think that you would notice any real performance gain. I didn't, so I'm runing AGP1x because it seems more stable on my motherboard.
Consequences smonsequences, as long as I’m rich
Consequences smonsequences, as long as I’m rich
Sorry I didn't post my specs because I've been reading up too much about people having to force 1x because of problems. I didn't think that 2x worked for most people with the g400. Hope you guys can help.
System specs:
Abit BX6 r2 mobo
celeron 366A @ 550 (2.1 v, 31c sys 33c core)
32m pc100, 32m pc66( this config runs more stable than when I tried upgrding to pure 64m pc100... wierd huh)
G400 Max (not overclocked, with dedicated irq)
Diamond Monster 3dII (PCI slot #2)
Diamond MX300( PCI Slot #4)
Cardinal 56k v90 (ISA slot #2)
Logtitech MouseMan Wheel+ USB mouse
SMC USB to ethernet adapter
Microsoft 900mhz phone
Zip plus 100
My 3dmark is only 4116. That is why I wanted to try and get 2x working.
Hey Jonng,
Your 3DMark results may not be too far off. We have many of the same components and my results are only slightly better than yours. We both have the Cel 366 @ 550 and ny vanilla's overclocked to close to Max specs. I usually get just under 4200. Check out my sig.
Anyway, I also installed at AGP1x. After fiddling, I finally resorted to using ForceAGP2x.reg, which worked fine and now I'm at AGP2x. However, there was no real change in my 3DMark results, which still perturbs me. I still seem to be pretty stable (i.e. crash on a very infrequent basis... I'm not sure if it's hardware or software). If I'm more unstable because of AGP2x, it's not noticeable to me.
All this to say, it may not be worth the hassle to get to AGP2x, especially if you're crashing so often.
Windows 98SE
Run case-open with 5" fan blowing in, targeted primarily at CPU
Cel 366 (@550, 2.1v)
AOpen AX6BC Pro Gold (nice shiny 24k)
64 Megs PC100 (1 DIMM)
Matrox Mill G400 Dual 32 Meg w PD5.30 (@119%)
Sound Blaster Live!Value w Liveware 3.0
Quantum KA 13.6 Gig ATA-66 7200 RPM HD
Pioneer 103S DVD3 6x/32x
3DMark99 Max Results (@ 1024 x 768 x 32 x 32, triple)
3DMarks ~4200
CPU 3DMarks ~5250
No Overclocking (@ 1024 x 768 x 32 x 32, triple)
3DMarks ~3000
CPU 3DMarks ~3500
I agree whit James. I was having the same problem as you but I don eniting to resolved now it's run at X2 whit no hang's but all I don to correct the problem is not wort it. Your 3D Mark is very good. I have 4283 with celeron 400@550 with X2 with X1 I got 4229 54 point of different. If you want to resove the problem it take hours and hours.
My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation
I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
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Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel
My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation
I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
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Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel
James: Wow we really do have an almost identical sys specs. One question, are all DH g400 max's?? If not then why did I pay more money to get lower 3dmarks. Then again it could be the fact that I am only testing at 800x600 16bit color. Or could it be my one stick of pc66 ram. I really should get rid of that, I'm still waiting for ram prices to come down. One thing i noticed is the big difference between our CPU 3d marks. Mine is only 4938.
Oh one thing to note. After using the force 2x. I tried to reboot until one time I finally got it to boot on 2x. I got an even lower 3dmark. 4096. Wierd. I thought that was just a glitch.
One final very stupid question.. I've been trying to figure out. What the heck is Vanilla? And does anyone reccomend that I should try overclocking a g400 MAX?
jonng ther are all G400 flaver
16 Mb SingleHead G400
32 Mb SingleHeas G400
16 Mb DuelHead G400
32 Mb DuelHead G400
32 Mb DuelHead G400-max
I ting your 3D Mark lower point is do of configuration. Drivers etc... But your point are O.K. the 200 points marge is the difference of the configuration of your computer hardware and software( Drivers, W98, DirectX, etc...)
My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation
I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
(Corrected by Robert&Collins dictionary)
Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel
My concern is with growth. You must grow to become one, to become whole, to become sane. I am not going to force sanity upon you. Rather, I am going to bring out your insanity. When it is pulled out completely, throw into the wind, sanity will happen to you, you will grow. You will be transformated. That is the meaning of meditation
I will try to use a dictionary when I can't
(Corrected by Robert&Collins dictionary)
Credit Card numbers Visa expiration date 2005 N:5125 1548 6548 please dont steel
OK...here we go with our bi-monthly AGP lesson...
First...AGP 2x does not mean the card is going to be faster in general use. It is only helpful for AGP transfers, not overall performance. Getting 2x will show no real difference over 1x, since AGP texturing is still not used very much in the industry. This is why 3Dmark scores do not change noticably (or other benches for that matter). Stressing out over 1x is not worth anyone's time.
Next- When the PC boots up, the Matrox drivers performs AGP tests. If the card fails those tests, it drops to 1x. If it drops to 1x, there is a reason for it. That reason is BUS noise or instability. Bus noise is generally caused by the mobo or RAM. In your case, I would guess it's the RAM (running pc66 RAM at 100MHZ, plus having 2 mismatched DIMMS is definatly NOT helping your cause). Forcing 2x works for many people, but not all. I would suggest trying one DIMM at a time, relocating the DIMMs to different slots, and trying at the processors default 66 MHZ speeds. Then when that doesn't help, just run it at 1x knowing you are not missing out on anything special...Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s
Thanks Kruzin!
You have made everything clear to me now. I hope you don't give up on giving out these lessons. Bi-monthly lessons. I'm sure a lot of people minds have been opened up because of them. People like me who don't know that much about hardware need your help!
Thanks again.
I can't believe it. Not a single mention of the most obvious bloody reason why it does not work, does anybody else here have a clue??
This should solve your problem jonng.
In the BIOS under "!! CPU SoftMenu !!" Change AGPCLK/CPUCLK from 1/1 to 2/3
Apologies if this does not solve your problem, but the total lack of knowledge of the people helping here, would be laughable, if this was not the primary source on the internet for Matrox user support.
The blind leading the blind, oh well.
P.S. Good to see that there are a lot less G400 problems, now that people know that you have to be very careful about how they are inserted in to the AGP slot, whoever figured that one out, must be a god damn genius!!