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MAX, K7M, and SB Live Platinum

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  • MAX, K7M, and SB Live Platinum

    My system goes together in about 2 weeks. Anybody running a G400 MAX and SoundBlasterPlatinum on a ASUS K7M Athlon board. I heard the two like to use the same IRQ. Best to install the Max first. Anyone hear that? Suggestions welcome. Thanks

  • #2
    I have just got a
    BCM/GVC QS750 M/board
    AMD k7 700
    SB live 1024 Player
    and G400 MAX

    should that combination work OK



    • #3
      Mrwizard, I'd suggest using the MSI-6167 mb. The K7M is to narrow for a real HS/fan.

      PrNkStEr, I'd never reccommend that MB! (icky) Even local resellers here won't push them, though they have them in stock.

      Designer of the first Athlon mod. Currently marketing the "Eclipse" mod through AZZO Computers.
      Anyone up for an Eclipse'd Athlon 800? Email me for more information

      2614 mips, 1.024 gflops @ 800 mHz 1:3 latency
      "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

      "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


      • #4
        Listen here, Greebe!
        - The reason why resellers won't recommend the K7M is becasue everyone has been told to keep their mouths shut. ASUS was recently found out by Intel, which gave them a "hint" that if they didn't pull their SlotA board off the market right away, there would be "long delays" in chip shipments from Intel in the future, thus tossing ASUS face down in the mud, financially. This results in both lack of support as well as info on the board beyond the manual from ASUS. This is the second and third reasons why resellers won't recommend them: No official support, and the possibilty that they'll be recalled pretty soon.
        Nevertheless, the board is AWESOME. - I've had VERY good experiences with it and have had no signs of instability whatsoever. Au contraire, I'm currently running with a 550mhz O/C'ed to 600 with an internal BUS frequency of 110mhz - completely stable. I'd like to see you do the same with other boards that are in available now.
        Unlike the FIC and MSI it runs flawlessly out of the box, without a quarter of a million BIOS updates.

        - Odin -


        • #5
          Greebe is referring to the BCM/GVC QS750 motherboard when he says local resellers will not push them, not the Asus K7M.

          BTW, the MS-6167 works fine with BIOS 1.0. And it has only been updated once (->1.3).

          Also Asus has recently placed the K7M on their web-site. I wonder for how long...


          • #6
            To be honest I´m getting a bit tired of those Intel conspiracy teories...


            • #7
              I've installed the K7M with a G400 and a SB Live three days ago, works great so far. No conflicts. I've disabled the onboard sound on the k7m, though even with it enabled in the BIOS, I've had no conflicts.



              • #8
                There have actually been 2 bios upgrades for the K7M, here are the links on the ASUS TW site.
                List of all links in K7M Overview:


                BX6r2, 128MB PC100, C366A@567, Pan DVDwHollywood+,Pan 4X SCSI II CDR, WangDAT, Quantam UDMA HDs, Fireport 40 UW, SBLive!Value (attached to bi-amped TEAC/Hitachi multimedia system), SMC Intel 21041 NIC, etc. G200 Mystique as well.

                [This message has been edited by Ron (edited 22 November 1999).]
                Office: Giga266A, XP1900+, 1GB PC2100. 80GB Maxtor, Matrox G550 Integraph 21", Sceptre 19"
                Home:#1.Abit IS7, 512MB OCZ DDR 533, P4C2600 at 3260, LiteOn 411S DVDRW, LiteOn 481248 CDRW,WD 80G ATA100, Audigy, 2X IBM P202, Radeon 9600 Pro as well.
                #2. TB 1.33G/KR7AR133/512MB PC2100. MSI GF4-4200TI, Maxtor 13.6/40G drives/Ricoh 121032 CDRW, Hitachi 8X DVD, AOpen 52X. etc.
                #3. P3-700-512MB/BX6R2/GF2MX400/
                etc. #4,#5 Various P2 with G400, G200.


                • #9
                  You can fit a plenty large heatsink on a K7M depending what revision you have. If you have board revision 1.02 (the one with the silver heatsink on the voltage regulators) you can even fit an alpha p125 (though it blocks a dimm slot. If you have the newer revision of the board (1.04) the ATX power connector is inbetween the slot A and the dimm slots, but you can still fit a global win FKK50. YOu can fit a FKK32 (the on with 2 Y.S. Tech 27.2 CFM fans) if you move on fan to the top of the heatsink. I recommend to get these.

                  Just some suggestions, because the K7M looks like the best board out right now. You can get it at for $169, and they have a ton in stock.


