O.K., after many, many hours of messing with my G400 dual head on a Athlon 650 rig, I have it stable with the AGP 1X option. Question, how much performance am I losing on the latest games (Quake III, Direct 3d etc...) by using 1x vs. 2x? Negligible? 20%?? Any general ideas??
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AGP 1x Vs. 2X
Negligible. If you have a G400 32 Mb, you have plenty of memory for textures, AGP texturing is hardly used at all in any of he current games. So 1x or 2x or 4x, for now it simply doesn´t matter.
Hey, the new 3dfx poopoo saga part IV and V don´t even support AGP texturing, you can expect games with louzy textures that not even in dreams would need AGP texturing for a long while...
oooooh, 0.3 fps
I guess I will bookmark this thread to post a link everytime someone comes were insulting everyone and their mommas because his G400 won´t do AGP 2x...
(Not you Mick, you stated a fact and posted a decent question asking about a opinion on the matter)
[This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 23 November 1999).]
Hehe, that pretty much answers my question.
I have a G200 on a FIC PA2013, and Powerstrip says both of them are capable of 2x transfers but only '1x transfer is currently used'. Taking into consideration that my CPU is a K6-2/350, I cannot be loosing too many fps...
Just for kicks though, how can I force my G200 into AGPx2?My rig:
FIC PA2013-1.2, AMD K6-2/350, 128MB PC100, G200 16 MB SGRAM, Tekram DF-390F SCSI UW, WD 13GB, Plextor 40MAX SCSI CDROM, Yamaha CRW4416 SCSI CD-R/W, MX300.
But keep in mind that AGP2x and super7 is most times a troublesome combo.